Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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Stop accusing me!!|不要屈我吧 !!|不要屈我吧 !!

I've been working in the Mainland not so long ago...

A colleague of mine from Mainland China notified me that I've been posted on the cover of a local magazine.

I was startled!!  What is going on here?

I've been waiting for my fellow co-workers to send the articles regarding me upon my return to Hong Kong.

Last night, I've finally received it.

I couldn't help but yell out the words, "Shit...what the f**k..."

I've never accepted any interviews from magazines in Mainland China.

As for the things written in the magazine, they are not directly quoted from me at all.

None of their text were quoted from my interviews during the promotional events in Hong Kong.  They are 100% fictitious.

After reading this, I was pissed off!!

Mr. Wong Jing had also called me on the telephone to ask about the situation!!

Thankfully enough, he trusts me and understands the intentions of this magazine.

We will take legal action in accordance to the law for this matter!!

In fact...

This isn't the first time it has happened to me.

I remember my first or second year into the entertainment industry.

I had done a photo shoot for the cover of a Hong Kong magazine.  

However, as the magazine was released to the public, the magazine had photoshopped my swimsuit out of the picture.  I suddenly became a girl who is "naked but not revealing any private parts".

There was another incident that happened around 4 years ago!!  

Another Hong Kong magazine had invited me along with another female artist for a promotional interview.  After the studio shots were completed, they had never given me any calls for interview questions.  But I never figured that I'd see this magazine at the news stalls in a couple of days.

Its written content is basically gossip between me and another female artist.

I'm scared...I'm truly scared~!!!

I really don't know how to handle this situation!!

Shooting promotional photos is to increase "publicity" at some extent.

It should be a "good" thing!

But there are some things that are out of my control...

Their "writing" has indeed affected me, my family and the relationship with my peers at work!!

I understand you people have pressures in life.

But I believe there are ways to let both sides continue to comfortably make their living.


早前 .. 返國內工作 ..

國內同事告知我當了這星期某國內雜誌封面人物 ..

我驚訝著 !! ~~ 這是什麼一回事 ..

回港後 .. 一直等待同事們電郵有闋雜誌內容給我細看 !!

昨晚收到了 ..

我不禁大叫~~~~  " Shit .. what's the XXXX .. "

我從沒有接受這國內雜誌訪問 ..

而對方所寫的一言一句也不是出於我口中 ..

文中亦沒有轉載我在香港宣傳電影的訪問 .. 確實是百份之百 " 老作 " ..

看後 .. 我氣頂著 !!

王晶先生也親自致電我 , 問個究竟 !!

幸好 , 他相信我 .. 亦明白雜誌的出處 ..

這事件 .. 我們會依從法律 , 作點行動吧 !!

其實 ..

這已不是我的第一次 ..

還記得剛出道的第一或二年 ..

某香港雜誌找我影封面相 .. 誰不知 ..

週刊出街後 , 對方竟用電腦科技抹走我的 swim suit .. 我突然變成 " 裸露 ~~ 但三點不露的女孩子 "

另一次大概是四年前吧 !! 另一本香港雜誌邀請我和另一女藝人作宣傳訪問 ..

studio shot 影過後 , 一直沒電話回覆作後補訪問 ..

想不到 .. 過兩天在報檔看見這雜誌 ..

內容大致說 .. 我和另一女藝人大數某兩女星的是非 .........

怕 ~~ 真的怕 ~~

我真是不懂如何去處理 !!

能作宣傳影相 .. 某程度是提高了 " 人氣 "  ..

應是開心的 !!

但有點事我控制不了 ..

他們的 " 落筆 "  .. 確是可影響我和友人 , 工作單位的闋係 !!

" 你們有壓力 .. 我明的 "  ..

我信 .. 總能找到我倆雙方舒適的位置活著 ..




早前 .. 返国内工作 ..

国内同事告知我当了这星期某国内杂志封面人物 ..

我惊讶着 !! ~~ 这是什麽一回事 ..

回港后 .. 一直等待同事们电邮有阕杂志内容给我细看 !!

昨晚收到了 ..

我不禁大叫~~~~  " Shit .. what's the XXXX .. "

我从没有接受这国内杂志访问 ..

而对方所写的一言一句也不是出于我口中 ..

文中亦没有转载我在香港宣传电影的访问 .. 确实是百份之百 " 老作 " ..

看后 .. 我气顶着 !!

王晶先生也亲自致电我 , 问个究竟 !!

幸好 , 他相信我 .. 亦明白杂志的出处 ..

这事件 .. 我们会依从法律 , 作点行动吧 !!

其实 ..

这已不是我的第一次 ..

还记得刚出道的第一或二年 ..

某香港杂志找我影封面相 .. 谁不知 ..

週刊出街后 , 对方竟用电脑科技抹走我的 swim suit .. 我突然变成 " 裸露 ~~ 但三点不露的女孩子 "

另一次大概是四年前吧 !! 另一本香港杂志邀请我和另一女艺人作宣传访问 ..

studio shot 影过后 , 一直没电话回覆作后补访问 ..

想不到 .. 过两天在报档看见这杂志 ..

内容大致说 .. 我和另一女艺人大数某两女星的是非 .........

怕 ~~ 真的怕 ~~

我真是不懂如何去处理 !!

能作宣传影相 .. 某程度是提高了 " 人气 "  ..

应是开心的 !!

但有点事我控制不了 ..

他们的 " 落笔 "  .. 确是可影响我和友人 , 工作单位的阕係 !!

" 你们有压力 .. 我明的 "  ..

我信 .. 总能找到我俩双方舒适的位置活着 ..




over 15 years ago 0 likes  11 comments  0 shares
这事什么杂志啊? that's kind stupid !!!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
crap! don't worry Winnie, we support you! ;-)
over 15 years ago


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August 7, 2007