Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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New Projects for 2009|2009年的新工作|2009年的新工作

Happy New Year and Kung Hei Fat Choi ..

For the Lunar New Year holidays in the last few days...

Other than visiting friends and family,

I also had to work on a new film. This time, I get to work with Wan-Cheong (Scud) and director Lawrence Lau.

It's definitely a great start for the new year.

This flooding scene was filmed at Scud's home.  The water was dripping all the way to the bottom from the second floor.

Even the carpets were soaked.

Scud, next time I get to your place...

I believe that you'll switch to a new carpet!!!

This "yummy yummy" food is carefully made by Simon for all the cast and crew.

So warm ....

  Happy New Year and Kung Hei Fat Choi ..

這幾天農曆新年假期 ..

除了到親朋好友家拜年外 ..

亦要為新電影開工 ..

今次能與雲翔 ( Scud ) 和劉國昌導演合作 ..

確是我09年的好開始 ..

這一場漏水戲於 Scud 的居所內拍攝 , 水源由二樓流至下層 ..

地毯全濕透了 ..

Scud .. 下次去你家的時候 .. 我相信 , 你已換上新地毯啊 !!

Yummy Yummy 的食物是 Simon 哥哥精心胞製給我們一眾工作人員的食品 ..

So Warm ....|   Happy New Year and Kung Hei Fat Choi .. 这几天农曆新年假期 .. 除了到亲朋好友家拜年外 .. 亦要为新电影开工 .. 今次能与云翔 ( Scud ) 和刘国昌导演合作 .. 确是我09年的好开始 .. 这一场漏水戏于 Scud 的居所内拍摄 , 水源由二楼流至下层 .. 地毯全湿透了 .. Scud .. 下次去你家的时候 .. 我相信 , 你已换上新地毯啊 !! Yummy Yummy 的食物是 Simon 哥哥精心胞製给我们一众工作人员的食品 .. So Warm ....

over 15 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
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i want to see how the movie comes out! "Boys are like Trees!"
over 15 years ago


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