在橫店只得一條街道是最多食店和日用品購買的 ..
就是萬勝街 ..
離我住的旅館是頗近的 ..
剛和助手出外逛逛 ..
發現街上比前天多了很多小檔口 .. 而且遊人亦很多 ..
這是每年只辦一次 , 連續三天的 " 交遊會 " ..
沿途經過見到我最愛吃的 " 雞蛋仔 " ..
雖然媽媽跟我說過不要隨便吃街頭小食 ..
但我真是忍不了啊 .. 冒著會肚子痛的可能牲也買來吃呢 ??
它的味道跟香港吃的是一樣 , 只是口感有點像蛋榚 ..
真的不錯啊 !!
In Hengdian, there's only one street in town that has the most amount of outlets to buy food and everyday accessories. It's called "Wan-Sheng St." (literal translation: Street of a million victories). It's very close to the inn I'm staying in. I've just shopped around there with my assistant. I noticed there were more outdoor stalls than usual. There was alot of a tourists around. My assistant told me that it's their annual "tourism festival" and it's continuously for 3 consecutive days.
I saw mini egg pancakes which is absolutely one of my favorite snacks along the way. Even thought my mom told me not to eat so much from food stalls but I just couldn't resist. Should I buy some to eat with the risk of getting a tummy ache? It tastes exactly like it does in Hong Kong but its texture feels a bit more like a cake. It's really not that bad at all!
在横店只得一条街道是最多食店和日用品购买的 ..
就是万胜街 ..
离我住的旅馆是颇近的 ..
刚和助手出外逛逛 ..
发现街上比前天多了很多小档口 .. 而且游人亦很多 ..
这是每年只办一次 , 连续三天的 " 交游会 " ..
沿途经过见到我最爱吃的 " 鸡蛋饼 " ..
虽然妈妈跟我说过不要随便吃街头小食 ..
但我真是忍不了啊 .. 冒着会肚子痛的可能牲也买来吃呢 ??
它的味道跟香港吃的是一样 , 只是口感有点像蛋 ..
真的不错啊 !!