Official Artist
Winnie Leung
Actor , Model
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Don't give up...it'll be better next time...|Dont give up .. 下次一定會更好|Dont give up .. 下次一定会更好

Today, I've done something for the first time in my entire life (so far)...And that is going to dance classes...

haha...for someone like me with un-coordinated arms and legs, it's a real challenge.

wingyin mama and I were absolutely clumsy on our first day of class.

But~~I will take time to practice at home...

Teacher...that won't happen with me again...haha...

Because the more difficult it is, the more I want to accomplish it!!

Came back home...and right after showering...I began to update my blog at alivenotdead as my computer aired the few songs to be sang at a performance in Mainland China tomorrow.

Because there are lyrics in a song that are hard to memorize!!!

I really don't want to embarrass myself tomorrow night!

Wish me to perform a good show, everyone!!|

今天我作出人生的第一次 .. 學跳舞 ..

haha .. 手腳不協調的我 .. 真是一大考驗 ..

第一堂 , 我和wingyin mama 可說是雞手鴨腳的模樣 ..

但 ~~ 我會在家好好的練習 ..

老師 .. 下次上堂我不會再這模樣啊 !! hha ~~~

因為 .. 我覺得越難以應付 , 我就該要做得到 !!

回到家 .. 梳洗後 .. 一邊更新 alivenotdead 的 blog , 電腦亦播著明天返國內登台的那幾首歌 ..

因為 , 有一首歌的詞 , 很難記啊 !!

我真的不想明晚出洋相呢 .....

祝願我 Good Show 吧 !!



今天我作出人生的第一次 .. 學跳舞 .. haha .. 手腳不協調的我 .. 真是一大考驗 .. 第一堂 , 我和wingyin mama 可說是雞手鴨腳的模樣 .. 但 ~~ 我會在家好好的練習 .. 老師 .. 下次上堂我不會再這模樣啊 !! hha ~~~ 因為 .. 我覺得越難以應付 , 我就該要做得到 !! 回到家 .. 梳洗後 .. 一邊更新 alivenotdead 的 blog , 電腦亦播著明天返國內登台的那幾首歌 .. 因為 , 有一首歌的詞 , 很難記啊 !! 我真的不想明晚出洋相呢 ..... 祝願我 Good Show 吧 !!    

over 15 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
hip hop .. beginning class =P
over 15 years ago


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August 7, 2007