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Winnie Leung
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Birthday party @ Ah Fei|Birthday party @ 亞肥||Birthday party @ 亚肥|

Attended a birthday party for Ah Fei, an old buddy of mine.

It's been 5 years since I've met "Ah Fei"!!

There was this time when I worked on a television series in the Mainland.

He was actor Lawrence Ng's assistant at the time.

But he took good care of a newcomer like me...

Those 3 months of my life had established our friendship!

In fact, it is due to this business trip that

I had been able to meet many of these great friends... The "us" from 5 years ago have become more mature together!  haha!!

I hope we all set our own goals in the next 5 years!!

It'll be mutually encouraging...   |

 前晚出席老死 " 亞肥 " 的生日派對 ..

跟 " 亞肥 " 認識是5年前的事了 !!

一次返國內拍電視劇 ..

當時他是吳啟華助手 ..

但對於我這位第一次拍劇的 " 新叮 " 也非常照顧 ..

3個月的生活 , 建立了我們的友情 !!

其實因為這次外埠工作 ..

我亦認識了很多好朋友 ..

5年前的我們  .. 今天大家也變得成熟了 !! hha ..

祝願下一個5年後 , 我們也做到各人為自己定下的目標吧 !!

共勉 ..


 前晚出席老死 " 亚肥 " 的生日派对 .. 跟 " 亚肥 " 认识是5年前的事了 !! 一次返国内拍电视剧 .. 当时他是吴启华助手 .. 但对於我这位第一次拍剧的 " 新叮 " 也非常照顾 .. 3个月的生活 , 建立了我们的友情 !! 其实因为这次外埠工作 .. 我亦认识了很多好朋友 .. 5年前的我们  .. 今天大家也变得成熟了 !! hha .. 祝愿下一个5年後 , 我们也做到各人为自己定下的目标吧 !! 共勉 ..  

over 15 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
Jayson 93 2
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
another BBQ pig!
over 15 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
not as hot as your birthday cake. :-P
over 15 years ago


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August 7, 2007