前幾天在旺角為新電影開工 ..
下午三時的旺角真是很多人呀 !!
未拍攝前還是留在車上等待吧 !!
昨天戲組在中環拍攝爆破場面 ..
不用開工的我去了現場探班 ..
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTJbLLm-2GQ
我也被現場的聲音嚇了一跳啊 !!
Been working on the production of a new movie in Mongkok just a few days ago..
Mongkok was really packed at 3 in the afternoon!! It's better if I waited in the car before the shooting starts.
The crew filmed an explosion scene in Central yesterday.. Despite not needing to come to work, I still came to visit the set.
Even I was startled by the sounds on the set