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A touch-wood blog entry|" 大吉利事 , 百無禁忌 " 的一篇日誌|" 大吉利事 , 百无禁忌 " 的一篇日志

I've read my friend's blog entry from a while ago.  He wrote something entitled "My funeral".

Don't worry...he's...alright...he's just writing his own thoughts!!

After reading this, I had suddenly thought of two films.

"Funeral March" and "Happy Funeral".

I remember discussing with him about his blog entry that night.

He returned to me in question and asked how I think my funeral is going to be like.

Oops...I really never thought about that...

Perhaps, I must have lived a previous life full of sin.  Therefore, I continue to struggle in this lifetime!!

It's best that I don't think of death before reaching the age of 70.

However, this is an interesting topic.

What would I want for my funeral?

My answer would be "no superstitions".

None of this scripture-reciting monks, hell-breaking, 7th days, and evening of spiritual returns.  It's too scary!!

I really don't want to scare my friends and family after death.

It's best to just cremate me to ashes.

No need to leave my body to rot underground!!

No need for any crysanthemums...

Just buy daffodils and sunflowers, people!

There's no need to burn any servants or mansions....

I just need my beloved photo with Andy Lau...haha...

This is a blog that requires me to knock on wood! |

早前 .. 看了一位朋友的日誌 .. 他寫的那篇叫 " 我的喪禮 " ..

大家放心 .. 他 .. 沒有什麼事 , 只是隨心寫出他的想法 !!

看後 .. 我突然想起兩套電影 ..

" 常在我心 " 及 " 六樓後座之家屬謝禮 " ..

記得有一夜 .. 我和他說起那日誌的事 ..

他反問我 .. 你沒想過自己的喪禮是如何嗎 ??

Opps ~ 我真的沒想過 ..

或者 .. 我估我前世做的壞事太多了 .. 今世我仍有排捱啊 !!

未到70歲也不好想過 " 死 " 字 ..

不過這確是個有趣的 topic ..

究竟我想我的喪禮是如何 .. ??

答案是 .. " 不要鬼神論 " ..

什麼法師的念經 , 破地獄 .. 頭七尾七 .. 回魂夜很可怕啊 ..

我真的不想死後也嚇到親朋好友 ..

最好是一把火化為灰燼 ..

不用在泥土下等發臭 !!

什麼菊花之類不用了 ..

大家花多少少錢 .. 送鬱金香或太陽花吧 ..

不要什麼傭人 .. 大屋 ..

只想要 .. 我和 " 至愛 " 劉華曾經合照過的相片 .. hha ..

" 大吉利事 , 百無禁忌 " 的一篇 Blog  ~~~~| 早前 .. 看了一位朋友的日志 .. 他写的那篇叫 " 我的丧礼 " ..

大家放心 .. 他 .. 没有什麽事 , 只是随心写出他的想法 !!

看后 .. 我突然想起两套电影 ..

" 常在我心 " 及 " 六楼后座之家属谢礼 " ..

记得有一夜 .. 我和他说起那日志的事 ..

他反问我 .. 你没想过自己的丧礼是如何吗 ??

Opps ~ 我真的没想过 ..

或者 .. 我估我前世做的坏事太多了 .. 今世我仍有排捱啊 !!

未到70岁也不好想过 " 死 " 字 ..

不过这确是个有趣的 topic ..

究竟我想我的丧礼是如何 .. ??

答桉是 .. " 不要鬼神论 " ..

什麽法师的念经 , 破地狱 .. 头七尾七 .. 回魂夜很可怕啊 ..

我真的不想死后也吓到亲朋好友 ..

最好是一把火化为灰烬 ..

不用在泥土下等发臭 !!

什麽菊花之类不用了 ..

大家花多少少钱 .. 送鬱金香或太阳花吧 ..

不要什麽佣人 .. 大屋 ..

只想要 .. 我和 " 至爱 " 刘华曾经合照过的相片 .. hha .. " 大吉利事 , 百无禁忌 " 的一篇 Blog  ~~~~

15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
Kenjilui 15 blog profile
可惜現在不管紅事白事﹐都不再是一個人的事... 以前以為只有皇帝貴族先係一生不可自決﹐人大了才發覺自己是多麼幼稚...
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Haha - all you need is your Andy picture? :-D
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
great to see you yesterday! you totally surprised me! :-D
15 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007