WhyOceans 的首張專輯《At Land》,由曾邀請日本Mono、World's End Girlfriend、瑞典Ef等著名樂隊演出的香港Chopxticks Entertainments製作及發行,作為香港少數的獨立廠牌,Chopxticks Entertainments更是專門以後搖(Post-Rock)為主,早前同樣發行香港後搖樂隊 Fragile的首張專輯,更深受香港著名樂評人袁智聰盛讚。 WhyOceans 專輯巡迴先分三站演出 - 廣州、澳門、香港。 首站於2011年7月9 日在廣州TU凸空間舉行,其後在7月15日回澳門 - 利多餐廳,及7月16日移師香港Hidden Agenda。 WhyOcean's debut record 'At Land' is produced and published by Hong Kong indie record label Chopxticks Entertainments, which has presented the audience with gigs from today's famous bands, such as Mono, World's End Girlfriend from Japan and Ef from Sweden. Among the few indie record labels in Hong Kong, Chopxticks focuses on promoting post-rock music.
Details of WhyOceans' Tour:
July 9th - Guangzhou T:union
July 15th - Macao Restaurante Riquexo (Rickshaw Restaurant)
July 16th - Hong Kong Hidden Agenda
Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois