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WhyOceans Macau
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WhyOceans interviewed by Online Music Magazine 《Bitetone》/ WhyOceans 於網上音樂雜誌《Bitetone》的大碟專訪 (20-July-2010)

跟大家分享一下 WhyOceans 早前受網上音樂雜誌Bitetone邀請的大碟專訪。 (注意網頁的右上角,可選擇繁體中文或簡體中文的版本)


澳門的 alternative rock/post-rock 樂隊 WhyOceans ,將快推出他們的首張專輯。專輯在 2009 年開始計劃,在今年的 4 月開始錄音和封套設計等等的製作。我們有幸就唱片和樂隊做了一個簡短的訪問:




答:我們 WhyOceans 已經一起玩音樂玩了五年多,期間經歷過很多次的風格轉變。到了最近,我們終於肯定地找到喜歡的聲音,而且很高興我們身邊的人也喜歡這種風格的音樂。所以, 我們覺得這是一個很好的時機,去為 WhyOceans 現在的聲音留下定格,並為我們這年輕的五年樂隊做一個總結。


答:我們只是盼望與更多人分享我們的音樂,和透過我們的音樂感動人。我們現在的歌曲大多都是沒有歌詞的音樂,想像空間很大,所以每次彈奏的時候,我們都會 有不同的感覺。我們希望當其他人聽我們的音樂的時候,也一樣可以幻想自己的畫面、進入自己想像的世界,離開現實一陣子。


答:除了盡量讓唱片在多個地方(澳門、香港、內地和台灣等等)的唱片店都得以售賣,我們亦計劃在內地和鄰近地區舉行巡迴演出。當然,唱片也將可以網上試聽 和訂購。總之,希望能讓更廣更多的人接觸我們的音樂。

謝謝 WhyOceans 樂隊抽空來回答我們的問題,喜歡 alternative rock 和 post-rock 的朋友千萬不要錯過此專輯!如欲了解更多,請到 WhyOceans 的 MySpace面書網頁。

Since the page is only in Chinese, please find below a quick translation we would like to do for you : )

Scoping of the Debut Album Actually we started scoping this album since 2009. After a couple of considerations and coordination, the actual work such as songs recording, album cover design, etc. all started at April this year. Everything just in progress part by part gradually. At the moment we are still focusing in the post production stage.

Release Date The album release date has not yet confirmed, but our expectation is around this year fall.

Why Making this AlbumSince the band has been together for 5 years, and having styles changed during these year. Now we are clear that we finally find the sound we like, and we are happy that people around us also like our current style of music. That's why we think that it would be a good time for WhyOceans to take a snapshot for what we are having now, as a conclusion for this 5-years-old young band.

Expectation for the AlbumWe just want to share our music to more people, and we hope our music can really touch people's hearts. Since most of our songs now are mainly non-lyrical music, we get different feelings/moods every time we play the songs as they are too imaginative. We really hope that when people listen to our music, they will also be able to imagine their own pictures, falling into their own worlds and jump out from the reality for just a while.

Planning for album promotionBeside of spreading the album to CD stores in anywhere possible (Macau/HK/China/Taiwan/etc.). We plan to have a China tour after the album released, and may be more neighbor regions. Sure the album will be available for online buying and listening. The goal is to spread our music as far as possible and let more people to hear us.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois

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