Just grouped ourselves together after work today for the album cover design. We thought things should be able to be confirmed by tonight, but well, may be 2 more days, due to some minor changes. Since we are almost reaching the deadline of sending the final piece for printing production, we just grabbed our painter to our room to discuss and modify the piece in real time. Although we have known her for couples of time, it's the first time that we see her paint in front of us. Cool, Sally, you rock!!!
剛於下班後聚集了大家,讓大家對大碟封套的插畫設計發表意 見。本來打算今晚或許可以完成,但討論後還是決定某些地 方需要作出修改。由於距離印刷的死線有點趕,所以今晚乾 脆邀請了作畫的朋友到我們的房來,即席跟我們討論然後當 場修改,省了不少時間。還是第一回親眼看著這位朋友繪畫,真 的辛苦她了。
Buy WhyOceans album 《At Land》 online: http://www.whitenoiserecords.org/archives/13019 《At Land》 is also available at: Hidden Agenda (Kwun Tong) White Nois