Okay, so I'm back in New York.
Yay me.
Tons of emails to read and reply... Also am catching up with the casting calls.
oh my gosh, I totally forgot what I was going to type..... Oh well...
It seems a lot of the people that I know have gone to the Facial Expression auditions.
For those of you are interested in doing background works for Spiderman 3 (currently filming in New York) - email me at wonderfulcow@yahoo.com then I'll send you the submission info. However, do keep in mind, that the bookings are going to br 3-5 days in a row. For the less-fortunately soul like myself, who is stuck with a Daytime job... It's gonna be a tough one.
I have already took 5 days off this month... I don't think I can take more days off.
I wonder if they will still be needed some backgrounds next Month?
Current Projects:
Multimedia Project - Got my call time and wardrobe options via email. Filming next weekend.
Photos-hoot "My Block" - Doing an experimental photoshoot tomorrow night afterwork.
Expresso Ninja - Due to my whacky schedule, I may not be able to work on this film...
The Setup - Our hardworking director is trying to work out the shooting schedule for the actors. Since we're all have different schedules.