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Wayne Chang
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Epic - FAIL

It takes a lot to really upset me.

I once has pride myself, for being able to remain calm - and really take things easy.

But one thing I cannot tolerate is being unprofessional.

On November 4th, I got an email from a representative from Epic Models New York - stating that they got my contact information through Actors Connection referral. (and I recognized a couple of the email addresses included in the mass email)

Below is the email:


I am with Epic Models and Talent NY. We are currently seeking new talent to add to our board for commerical, film, print and runway. We were referred to you by actors connection. Can you please send us a current photo, stats and resume if you have one for consideration. Please email me directly on epicmodelsny@gmail.com and place subject Representation.

Best Regards,

Darlene Josephine

Executive Director

Epic Models

I thought if she's referred by Actors Connection, then this must be legit. It doesn't hurt to reach out and see if I can meet another professional in the industry. (Like, a free seminar!)

So I sent an email to the address specified - and in about 2 hours, I got a response from Darlene, and scheduled a meeting on Saturday, Nov 6th at 2:00pm.

I went back to their website and wrote down their address, printed out the directions through MapQuest.

on Saturday morning, I woke up (from my 3 alarms), got ready, and dressed all nice and stylish (it's a modeling agency after all) - and headed out.

FYI - the weekend of Nov 6th was also when LIRR was going through major constructions. From where I live to the City, I have to first take the BUS to Queens, and then from there, take the subway into Manhattan. (Yeah, 2 hours commute 1 way)

And let me tell you, commuting to Upper East Side is not fun, especially the subway train run less frequently on weekends.

So it took me almost 3 hours or so, to finally make it to the building at East 63rd street. And I was right on time.

I went up the front desk security, ask which floor that I should go to see Darlene of Epic Models.

The gentleman replied "They moved. They moved 4 months ago ."

My jaw dropped.

He continued "You are the second person who came looking for Epic Models today!"

I thank the guy, and quickly called Darlene on her cell phone - which led to a voice mail. I told her that I went to the address taken from HER website, without knowing the office had relocated. Then I told her if she's still available, I can still commute to see her.

After I hung up the phone, I wrote an email to her with the same content.

So... I went to a deli store around the area and ate a sandwich... Waiting to see if Darlene will return my call.

After two hours, I decided to head back home. I wasted an entire day for nothing.

Today (November 12th) - I got the following email from Darlene:


We did relocate a couple months ago that needs to be changed on website. Sorry we do not take walk ins or have open call, please submit your photo through our website.

Best Regards,


I was like... What?! What is this woman talking about?! Walk-Ins or Open Call!?

I quickly wrote back to her - to clarify that we had an appointment which she FLAKED out on me, and now she classified me as a "random walk-in."

I BCC: Tony at Actors Connection, and two other friends who were also on the initial Email that Darlene sent.

Not only does this woman OWE me an apology, it took her over a week to respond, and wrote it as if nothing EVER happened. (In all my correspondence, I included contents from our past email exchanges)

I swear, if I ever get to do casting for a Print/Modeling project, I will never-never-ever do dealings with ANYONE from Epic Models.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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