There are countless reviews out there about the new headphones that come with the iphone 5; apple’s earphones never really worked for me because they never fit in my ears. They always fall out. Even these new “earpods”
Then I came across this post on the web about how someone used this self-setting rubber to custom fit their earpods. I thought I’d give it a try.
The instructions are pretty straight forward… here are my earpods with some sugru applied. Kind of looks like used chewing gum on my earpods.
But guess what! The earphones now fit perfect to my ears, & I must say the sound of these earpods are on par with some of the more expensive earphones out there. The bass is much improved from their last earphones.
I would love to try some sugru on some skate-shoes next. Perhaps to fix some ollie damage or make an ollie pad?
Stay tuned!