today after my work of newspaper interview for a new camera,
after it , i went to a hair salon named LOBBY @ TST,
go to have a new hair cut....b4 i go taipei...(but.............will i regret?...huh....)
they took out 2 colour of fake hair style,
i was so happy to see and playing it , cant stop laughing when we all tried to put on our heads...its realllllllllllllllly funny!!
but somehow, can see that im pretty suit for this pretty style~so Q I am~hahaha~
and i will keep making different style by fake hair. :-) become a crazy diva |
之後 去左尖沙咀一間叫LOBBY既髮型屋
響去台北之前剪左個新髮型 (但係....... 我會唔會後悔呢.... 唔......)
我好開心咁拎左黎玩 我地試戴個陣 笑到停唔到口 勁搞笑
但係唔知點解 我又覺得幾襯哩隻STYLE喎 我都幾Q丫哈哈哈
我會繼續用假髮整唔同既STYLE :-) 變左個 crazy diva|
今日我帮左份报刊做左个新相机既访问之后 去左尖沙咀一间叫LOBBY既髮型屋
响去台北之前剪左个新髮型 (但係....... 我会唔会后悔呢.... 唔......)
我好开心咁拎左黎玩 我地试戴个阵 笑到停唔到口 劲搞笑
但係唔知点解 我又觉得几衬哩隻STYLE喎 我都几Q丫哈哈哈
我会继续用假髮整唔同既STYLE :-) 变左个 crazy diva but somehow, can see that im pretty suit for this pretty style~so Q I am~hahaha~
and i will keep making different style by fake hair. :-) become a crazy diva
I MADE A VOW!!! GOD!!!! 我就是要重新出發~I AM READY!!!! :: MISS S LOVE S ::