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i can see BLOOD on me again today

went to have dye hair today with my lil bro...

after it, i said i wanna walk around.......................BUT................sumthing happened!!!

haha the BLOOD what i mean...cuz i went a crazy shopping @ GI MALL ,

really bought a lots...

but i feel great cuz i bought all i love...but why i totally forgot to take any pix of my gift..... XD

Im really a girl who can be a little helper for the economy growing up...LOL

Speacial Thanks To MY Auntie & ALL GI MALL STAFF!!!! thx gave me the special discount!

(haha dun forgot im da VIP when after i did the show for GI MALL...anywayz thx for all da things)

Lovely QQ Lion.....They are my babies now....

(hope that my piggy pillow wont be jealous on them, heehee)

after shopping...i took them(my sis & lil bro) to go a place where i always been recently,

food all yummy here heehee

my lil bro new cool hair cut (BY LOBBY SALON's VIT...THX BABE)

haha im not a selfish girl

i still sharing a bit drink with my new babe..

(can see that "she" is so happy , rite?)

and my babesis also HAPPY...LOL :-)

Idrinking U.......heeeheee>3<

see all funny pix....its also by a lil stuff what i bought....

its really useful for this crazy snapshot girl>>>ME>>>Syan


have a nice day everyone @ Alive not dead

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Photo 212991
15 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha, great pic! thanks for sharing it vonnie! ;-)
15 年多 ago
Vonnielui 96 vonnielui
haha U are welcome babe
15 年多 ago
hey babe..where is it?i love it~!!
15 年多 ago


I MADE A VOW!!! GOD!!!! 我就是要重新出發~I AM READY!!!! :: MISS S LOVE S :: http://banana.la


english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
September 11, 2008