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Vivek Mahbubani
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Walked mountain + Positive Thinking

Weee! I did it! On my GTD's Someday/Maybe, I always had 'Walk up to the peak at 6am' and boy am I glad I did it! Oddly enough, it took me 3 days to actually blog about it (I walked up on Monday, 9th April 2007 because it was a public holiday) which really goes against my whole point of using GTD :P so I'm going to set this blog post to be 9th April ;)

Well, all I can say is, it's really great walking around the peak and enjoying the view of Hong Kong listening to Sacred Earth Drums. It's so calming and peaceful yet inspiring and zen-like. I came home by 10:30am and still had the whole day ahead of me! It felt like I had lived through two days instead of one. I managed to get so much stuff done. By noon, I was already halfway through whatever I had to do and had planned out what had to be done/bought/taken care of in the afternoon. Normally, I'd be planning my afternoon.... in the afternoon! I was hoping to go up for a walk at 6am again, but it was raining at that time on Tuesday so I just stayed home and worked on my drawing techniques and drumming a bit before I went off to work. When I get a chance, I'll sort through all my photos of my trip and put them up online.

My aim would be to go up every morning at 7am and stop halfway at the Pinewood Battery and do my morning breathing exercises and get back by 9am so I can practice my drums a bit and be ready for work by 10. I'll have enough time to listen to some inspiring and awakening music as well as catch up on audio books I've been meaning to get through.

Speaking of listening to stuff. I've finished approximately 6 weeks worth of Brain Sync's Super Learning and have progressed onto the Positive Thinking audio. Let's see what happens six weeks from now.

over 17 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Apparently, I am Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2007. Yummy :D Update: And now I'm the Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2008 :)

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Member Since
February 3, 2008