Vivek Mahbubani
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The heat, the heat, the heat is on fire

Yep, so here we go with my annual mental challenge. I have to admit, this year has felt extra tough mostly because I've had to travel a lot more around the City going from meeting to meeting and stuff. I've accepted that there is no way I'm going to sweat so instead I have begun with plan B.

I now have 2 pairs of the same t-shirt when I go out, alongside my trusty little towel and I usually can get through the day. I've found that no matter how pants' material are, they still can't compare to shorts and ultimately, I've figured that the key is to always stay hydrated. I don't mean myself, I mean my bottles that are in my bag. I've started noticing all the fancy places I can fill water from government parks to even some shopping centers! Oh and of course the gym-refill routine. I have to admit, now that I have joined PURE in Soho, I have taken advantage of not only their workout facilities but also their other items like showers, water refill, etc. Yes, I know this sounds very odd and nerdy but seriously, the amount of times I've been saved with a quick shower at the gym between meetings is worth the hefty price tag for their membership.

I've also been learning a lot of new things with workout equipment to keep things fresh and fun.

First, the lovely Bulgarian Bag:

If you haven't tried this, first, learn the proper technique, then start with the . Oh my goodness, the day after I did that, man did my whole torso cry! But of course, with proper rest and recovery, all is back to normal.

Then of course, the famous Kettlebells

And finally the ViPR

I must say, a lot of old skool gym people may say these are all toys, but, um, yes and? I mean at the end of the day it's about keeping things different and fresh and man by the time I'm done with these, I'm drenched!

On the other hand, I've had to stop drum practice. I packed up my electronic drum set to save space (and avoid guilt every day!) and well, things are still crazy busy. However, the band is live and kicking but we're definitely slower than we were (in both generating new songs as well as the songs' tempo! Heh!)

I think I've finally hit a point in my life where I've learned to accept that there are only 24 hours each day and it's better to make the most of what is available, rather than try to fight it. So instead of trying to do the same things in less time, it's more like find the things that matter and fit it comfortably in the time available so I'm not just getting it done, I'm getting it done right.

Perhaps I'm saying that because it's the weekend... hmmm. Time to zzz.

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Apparently, I am Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2007. Yummy :D Update: And now I'm the Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2008 :)


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
February 3, 2008