Vivek Mahbubani
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Sri Lanka time (with a pinch of Singapore)

Well hello from Singapore! Yes, Singapore. This is my 1st stop before heading off to Sri Lanka for comedy gigs this coming week.

I know what you're thinking "there's comedy in Sri Lanka?!"

The answer is no. There isn't. But hopefully that'll change in a few days! It's quite crazy to think I'm actually sitting with my friend Umar (the founder of Comedy Masala) relaxing on a Sunday afternoon.. in Singapore. It's been a loonggggg time since I've actually just sat and relaxed on a Sunday afternoon. Usually this is the day when I'm all fired up to get the week ahead prep'd and oddly, I'm pretty much ready for the next few days :)

So I've finally taken my own advise and calmed things down, to the point I'm actually enjoying a where my email inbox is nice and empty (although my to-do list isn't,...but baby steps). I've slowed down the projects I take on just to allow myself a little space to breathe and it's quite good because I've finally got some perspective on a lot of things I do.

I recently came across something called which is all about telling a story in a short amount of time. It's quite fascinating because it's all about being brief in your story but still staying full-bodied.

One I read, which I think was absolutely fantastic (though the story is really quite sad) is this:

For sale: baby shoes, never worn Pretty intense eh? I read that and went...woah.

This does remind me of one-liner comedy bits and of course the first person I thought of is Rodney Dangerfield. His stuff is classic to me!

Anyway, going to enjoy more flash fiction now, heck at least it'll make me feel more productive because I can tell myself I read so many stories in such a short amount of time :P This is what I believe is:

Work smart, not work hard ;P

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Apparently, I am Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2007. Yummy :D Update: And now I'm the Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2008 :)


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
February 3, 2008