Vivek Mahbubani
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I missed the day 10 entry

Woah, 10 days already! Actually I'm a day late.

I tell you, boy oh boy does life change on a weekly basis. So much has happened and we're only halfway through July! Life is turning for the better because I've regained my self-discipline I kind of lost in the past 2 weeks. I'm beginning to realize the power of forced relaxation. I mean, I actually have to tear myself away from my room and get out so I can't find any excuse of being stuck in a rut of always sitting at my computer. Although I still occasionally find myself doing the same fucking routine all the time, I'm improving a lot.

So what is today's Day 10 entry topic? Relax. Don't sweat the damn small stuff so much. In many ways things happen for a reason and so should not trying so hard to accomplish stuff. I find that a day lost in just not working can equal in 2 days' worth of productivity the next day. I'm now watching at least one movie a week and it has really made me feel better because it's one of those things I always used to feel odd how I just could never get myself to do. Afterall, it's only like 2 hours out of a whole week's worth of time. I just finished watching Wall Street and boy was it a good movie especially now that I'm learning more and more about wealth management and stocks and stuff. It also shed a lot of light on life itself which really is a good thing because as I've said before and as people like Leonardo DaVinci said, you haven't really seen life unless you view it from at least 10 different perspectives. The more I take the time out to really evaluate myself and where I'm at, the more I realize what I need to do. Of course, sometimes I do find myself spending more time evaluating myself than actually getting things done, but it's better to think things through. In Sun Tzu's The Complete Art of War (History and Warfare) he says that A battle is won before it is foughtthat's something that was talked about in Wall Street as well as something I learnt when I was reading the book before.


Tomorrow is Monday and it's a week's worth of fighting and I'm ready for it so let the battle begin... afterall, I've relaxed all weekend :).

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Apparently, I am Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2007. Yummy :D Update: And now I'm the Hong Kong's funniest person as of 2008 :)


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
February 3, 2008