Violent Jokes
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upcoming concerts

    Hello there, Just a quick poke to everybody to remind you that we are playing for the next two saturdays.Saturday 10th of May we will play in HK Live! at Fringe Club.

Show starts at 10pm and it will see on stage Born To Hula and special guest from Paris The Penelopes, stopping in HK during their Asia tour promoted by Agnes B.Saturday 17th of May is a big turn for Violent Jokes.

This will be our first CLUB SESSION! We have been looking forward to this for so long and eventually our friends at Kongkrete Bass made it happen.

Show starts at 11pm at Twyst Mind (Sheung Wan). On the desk The Projects UK and DJ Shawn Livewire, plus the usual KKB madness till morning. We can't wait to see the dancing crowd's reaction to our beats!Please stop by and say hi to us, we are always free for a chat and a drink with our AnD friends!Cla  

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Downtempo/drum'n'bass trio, adds a lyrics-based vocalist to steadfastly jungle-based productions, performed with live instruments


english, mandarin
Hong Kong
March 9, 2008