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vince matthew chung
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It's not a green screen

Pick up the August 27- September 9 2008 TimeOut Hong Kong.  It's the Anime issue with the cover artwork by famed artist Yoshitaka Amano. 

Yes ... we had to jump a million times off of the fence that protects people from falling into Victoria Harbour at the Avenue of Stars in TST to get a good shot.  Security came over and was encourging us to "finish up quickly".... It really wasn't a green screen and that isactually the Convention Centre in the background.

AND.........there's an article about DevaShard too!!!!



over 16 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


everything tastes good when it's deep fried... Check it out...my next project! www.cbfresh.com .... HAHAHA... !!!! VMC

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April 30, 2008