US Open Martial Arts Tournament 2013, New York City, NY, USA. For me, competing at European or World Championships are important. But, NYC - the city, full of legends and myths... Chuck Norris fought there,... Bruce Lee did his presentations... So when I got the invitation I was 100 % sure that I was going to go and compete. It was an honour to be judged by the legendary Master Chen, " The Pearl of Tai JI" and to get high scores from him and the board of judges.Concerning San da competition : it was amazing experience. I was offered (and accepted the offer) to fight against 265 lbs former UFC fighter from Puerto Rico (my weight is about 205 lbs).It was just ''wow''... like kissing the express train. However,... I guess was lucky enough to win.
harmony in me-> love in the family-> order in the nation-> peace in the world