Happy chinese new year folks! Starting from tomorrow is the year of rats, those who were born in '72, '84 and '96, according to ancient chinese astrology, should share some characteristics of the mouse, apparently. Well, lets find out more about how u mouse ppl behave:
'They are optimistic,cheerful, do not fall into low spirits no matter how hard the circumstances,and will fight for their lives. At the same time, they are sensitive like a mouse, and have good intuition and imagination, but they are not good at logically drawing their own conclusions.' (The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes)
V: Sounds pretty impressive to me, what about the flaws?
'Viewed from appearances, people born in the year of the mouse are reticent persons, but actually they are not. They are easily worked up, but they can control their spirits. This character allows them to have lots of friends. People born in the year of the mouse treasure their relationships with friends and relatives. Sometimes you will find that they connect their lives closely to those of others. This is because once they like somebody, they can't bear to leave them.' (The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes)
V: Yeah, definitely mouse behaviour there, anything else?
'People born in the year of the mouse have a natural instinct for loving money. A boss born in the year of the mouse will care for his employees. He makes sure his employees participate sufficiently in sports and that they maintain a balanced diet. When his employees are sick, he will go to see them. He takes the troubles of employees as his own. But things change as soon as his employees want to talk about raising their wages. Then he becomes a miser. If you want to get money from the person born in the year of the mouse, you will need to bargain with him very hard.
A woman born in the year of the mouse is usually surprisingly frugal. She buys second-hand goods, splits one meal into several, and cuts down on expenses. Of course, if there is real need for money, she will not be stingy. People born in the year of the mouse are able to keep secrets, but they enjoy finding out the secrets of other people. They may use such information as a weapon and are not satisfied until they have achieved someone's destruction. They seek loopholes without feeling shame. In a word, they lose no chances.' (The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes)
V: Secretive eh? bah, never bothers me, secrets are good, the less i know the merrier, especially when theres trouble tagged onto it.
Thats about all folks, thanks for watching, have a great mouse year!| 大家新春快樂!明天開始就是鼠年了,72年、84年和96年出生的人是農歷本命年,顯然應該有老鼠的一些個性。好的,就讓我們看看肖鼠者的特點:
女性肖鼠者十分節儉,她會購買二手商品,一 份餐分成幾次吃,還不斷減少花銷。當然如果真的有用錢的地方,她也不會吝嗇。肖鼠者十分能保守秘密,但他們也喜歡探聽別人的秘密。他們用這些隱私作武器, 直到毀滅別人才滿意。他們毫不羞恥地窺探別人隱私。一句話,他們不錯過任何機會”。(中國屬相手冊)