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W. (4/5)小布什傳||小布什传

Writer: Stanley Weiser Director: Oliver Stone Cast: Josh Brolin as W. Bush, Elizabeth Banks as Laura Bush, James Cromwell as H. W. Bush, Richard Dreyfuss as Cheney, Jeffrey Wright as Colin Powell, Scott Glenn as Donald Rumsfeld, Thandie Newton as Condoleezza Rice, Ioan Gruffudd as Tony Blair

Some interesting facts of the movie (from wikipedia):

Christian Bale was originally cast by Stone and spent months researching the role, but he dropped out after he was not satisfied with the prosthetic makeup tests. Stone remarked, "Christian’s a very methodical actor and he has to have the makeup thing work for him." With Brolin's casting at the "last minute", he spent months working on Bush's distinctive vocal style, calling hotels in Texas and talking to the people at the front desk, listening to their accents.

Banks said she would not do an impression of the First Lady. "I just want to honor her voice, her stillness, and her hairstyle."

Stone was interested in Robert Duvall as Cheney, but he turned down the role.

W. is being financed independently, with Hong Kong, German, and Australian funds.

Though Stone has criticized Bush for his administration's 2003 invasion of Iraq, the director said that he was not looking to make an "anti-Bush polemic. Stone compared his goal of the film to that of (2006), wanting to trace "seminal events in Bush's life".

The film, originally titled , was re-titled Filming began on May 12, 2008 in Shreveport, Louisiana, and completed filming on July 11, 2008. The film was released on October 17, 2008, before the presidential election.

Comment: As my interests in world politics grew, this movie became one of those i do not want to miss. I do not write about politics on this blog however, as i have explained before, i would prefer to write about my likes and dislikes here only. Having spent 129 minutes watching this movie, i must say it is an intriging account, and a carefully thought out chronicle of the former U.S. presidency. The actors have put greats efforts in their impersonation, namely Josh Brolin, James Cromwell, Richard Dreyfuss, and a couple positive surprises such as Jeffrey Wright and Thandie Newton (she is an actress i dislike mostly, but not in this occasion). Please understand they were not doing a spitting image, but as an embodiment of real life personality, where the general public is very much aware of. This aside, i wish the movie did not use the flash back method that often, it is only interrupting most of the time, in fact, this applies to many movies these days. To close this one up, i was never a great fan of president W, but then again, this story got me to think, that if anyone can grow up as a youth, already being so certain and devoted to be the president of a country, must be EXTRAORDINARY. I have met the rich and the poor, the powerful and underpriviledged, who grew up to be bankers, lawyers, doctors and even politicians,yet i have not met such a personailty my whole life, have you?

This is an ideal that dont happen over night; so god bless the souls who decided to become one of them.|

編劇:斯坦利•韋澤 導演:奧利弗•斯通主演:喬什•布洛林飾演總統布什,伊麗莎白•班克斯飾演勞拉,詹姆斯•克倫威爾飾演老布什,理查德•德雷弗斯飾演切尼,杰弗裡•賴特飾演鮑威爾,斯科特• 格倫飾演唐納德•拉姆斯菲爾德,珊蒂·紐頓飾演國務卿賴斯,約安•格魯福德飾演英國首相布萊爾

這個電影的一些有趣事(來自Wikipedia ) :


“克裡斯蒂是個非常有條理演員,他使得化妝這些事是為他而作。 ”與布洛林在拍攝的“最后一刻” ,他花了幾個月的時間研究布什的獨特的腔調,給得克薩斯州的酒店打電話與前台接待人員說話,聽他們的口音。

班克斯說她不能給出第一夫人的印象。 “我隻是想學習她的聲音,她的安靜和她的發型。 ”



雖然斯通批評了布什政府於2003年入侵伊拉克的行為,導演說他並不想引起一個“反布什論戰”。斯通將此電影的目標於《Queen》( 2006年)相比,要追溯“布什生活的開創性的事件”。

這部電影,最初命名bush,后改名W.,2008年5月12號於路易斯安那州什裡弗波特開始拍攝,並於2008年7月11日拍攝完成 。這部電影於2008年10月17日上映,在總統大選前。



编剧:斯坦利•韦泽 导演:奥利弗•斯通主演:乔什•布洛林饰演总统布什,伊丽莎白•班克斯饰演劳拉,詹姆斯•克伦威尔饰演老布什,理查德•德雷弗斯饰演切尼,杰弗里•赖特饰演鲍威尔,斯科特• 格伦饰演唐纳德•拉姆斯菲尔德,珊蒂·纽顿饰演国务卿赖斯,约安•格鲁福德饰演英国首相布莱尔

这个电影的一些有趣事(来自Wikipedia ) :


“克里斯蒂是个非常有条理演员,他使得化妆这些事是为他而作。 ”与布洛林在拍摄的“最后一刻” ,他花了几个月的时间研究布什的独特的腔调,给得克萨斯州的酒店打电话与前台接待人员说话,听他们的口音。

班克斯说她不能给出第一夫人的印象。 “我只是想学习她的声音,她的安静和她的发型。 ”



虽然斯通批评了布什政府于2003年入侵伊拉克的行为,导演说他并不想引起一个“反布什论战”。斯通将此电影的目标于《Queen》( 2006年)相比,要追溯“布什生活的开创性的事件”。

这部电影,最初命名bush,后改名W.,2008年5月12号于路易斯安那州什里弗波特开始拍摄,并于2008年7月11日拍摄完成 。这部电影于2008年10月17日上映,在总统大选前。




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Hong Kong
November 8, 2007