Writer: Ma wing shing Director: Oxdie Pang, Danny Pang Cast: Aaron Kwok (Cloud), Ekin Cheng (Wind), Simon Yam (Lord Godless), Charlene Choi (Second Dream)
Review: spoiler It is long anticipated since the preceded episode: 'The storm raider' came out in 1998. Viewers with high expectations and accumulated speculations, finally get to witness the epic saga of the forever sword wielding duo, wind and cloud. A few acquaintance and friends of mine took part in production, knowing the movie is shot in a giant ware house located in thailand, under such circumstances, without doubt, i got myself two tickets at first release.
To start off, long text of introduction, strictly for die hard fans' comprehension, after all, the story has discontinued for ten years. Both Kwok and Cheng are so well preserved as though time ceased to exist. Their physique is just as well respected as their performance, with up close explosions and lots of head to head combat. However, many motions have resolved to slow, by the end, it simply dragged. The story and dialog, lack development since the last episode, some lines are sadly, ridiculous and uncalled for. There is a part where kwok was unable to identify a chinese character graffiti, the audience simply burst to laugh and sneer; it is always distasteful when our beloved lead is intellectually challenged, let alone the viewers. Although not happy with the script and dialog, i m delighted to see great efforts put into visual arts, effects and cgi, this part, has certainly enhanced for the past ten years.
All in all, i m a little disappointed to be honest, ten years is a long wait. Although beautifully sculpted (thanks to the pang brothers), without a core or spirit, such movie will not last, this contradicts with the fact that what the movie is supposed to do. |
作者:馬永成 , 導演:彭順,彭發 演員:郭富城(雲),鄭伊健(風),任達華(絕無神),蔡卓妍(第二夢)
作者:马永成 导演:彭顺,彭发 演员:郭富城(云),郑伊健(风),任达华(绝无神),蔡卓妍(第二梦)
评论:“风云”上映于1998年,在这之后,我们期待已久。观众都抱有很高的期望和满腹的猜测,终于得以见证风云二人舞剑带风的永恒的英雄传奇。我的几个 熟人和朋友参加了拍摄,而且我知道这部电影是在坐落于泰国的一个巨大的摄影棚中拍摄的,在此情况之下,毫无疑问的,我买了两张首映式的票。
要开始了,长篇大论的介绍是为了方便忠实观众的理解,毕竟这个故事已经被暂停了10年了。郭富城和郑伊健都保持的这么好,仿佛时间停止前进了。他们的体型 正如他们的表演一样值得让人尊敬,有近距离的爆炸和面对面的打斗。然而,许多动作都被放慢了,显得有些拖拉。故事情节和对话,缺少对上一步的过渡发展,有 些对白很令人失望,让人觉得可笑和没必要。有一个情节是演郭富城不认得一个中国字标记,观众都爆发出笑声与冷笑,我们喜爱的主角的智力受到挑战,这总是令 人反感的,更不用说观众了。虽然对剧本和对话不满意,我还是很高兴的看到他们为视觉艺术、特效和电脑合成影像所付出的努力,就此部分来说,确实比过去的十 年有很大提高。