writer/ director: rebecca miller producer: brat pitt (again?), lemore syvan cast: Robin Wright Penn (Pippa Lee), Alan Arkin (Herb Lee), Maria Bello (Suky Sarkissian), Blake Lively (Teenaged Pippa), Winona Ryder (Sandra Dulles), Julianne Moore (Kat), Monica Bellucci (Gigi Lee), Keanu Reeves (Chris)
review: spoiler it is a chick flick no doubt, but there is more to it. adapted from a book under the same title, written by director miller herself, this story telling motion picture is expected to carry more substance than a mere multiplex of hollywood big timers. to be fair, there are moments of wry dark humors, plenty realistic frustrations and desparations as a housewife, plus a sense of one's personal life gradually revealed. however, the intercrossings of present and past pippa are not executed with care, instead it ends up like an ordinary story arc divided pretentiously just to maintain mysterious. too much self-pity, yet highly self-indulged. there is no justification of the wrong doings of protagonist pippa, instead only praises, its blatantly stated at the first scene, when a male character brings toast to pippa by listing yet again an a to z list of qualities every woman seems to fantasise. how can u like a character so much already, when knowing nothing about her? this problem forever haunts most female targeted movies. that already took 1 pt off my list. while on the subject, the protagonist is always so 'special', but how? what did she do? the teenage pippa is a drug addict, a mess; so only by being young, blonde and slutty, but some how managed to pull herself back together and transformed into a faithful house maker, is adequate to make a life time story out of? may be, but if everyone has a story, this story has to be least of my favourite. is there a plot, not really, its just 'spiced up' every now and there trying hard to please. the moment the talentless reeves steps in, u just know hes gonna end up having sex with protagonist, and you guessed it, hes most prolly a lot younger too. only sometimes hes a doctor, this time, just a bum with jesus tattooed on his chest. speaking of blasphemy.
enough with rant, on to the actors' performance. what a terrific job, well done, everyone. i mean, without such outstanding performance, this review would not happen. see the list of cast i put before the review? thats how good i think they perform in order. it is a pleasure to watch bello, ryder, bellucci displaying their own brand of mental disorder. dont even get me start with arkin, his eyes are so fiery they were virtually striping down lively, hell she did end up lying naked next to him. it must be real hard trying to wrestle a scene out of arkin's intensity, and this brings us to the winner, penn. boy o boy she really showed those actors who is the boss. wooped reeves ass any day. moore also did a good job, winking and all that, trys to play bad gal. only her fake jab at pippa's face was too frail, otherwise it would have been perfect.
take it or leave it, not a must watch, but just to escape from those blockbuster movies with over the top cgi and incoherent dialog, this movie can be a good get away watch. |
編劇/導演:rebecca miller 制片:brat pitt (又是他?)lemore syvan 演員:Robin Wright Penn (Pippa Lee), Alan Arkin (Herb Lee), Maria Bello (Suky Sarkissian), Blake Lively (Teenaged Pippa), Winona Ryder (Sandra Dulles), Julianne Moore (Kat), Monica Bellucci (Gigi Lee), Keanu Reeves (Chris)
影評:解析 這無疑是一部浪漫言情電影,但不僅如此。此片改編自同名小說,由導演miller自編自導。此故事片期望表現更多內容,而不簡單是好萊塢大牌的堆砌。公正地說,影片帶有一些諷刺意味的黑色幽默,大量對現實中挫折以及當下家庭主婦絕望生活的描述,外加一種主人公私生活漸漸呈現出來的感覺。然而,現在和過去的Pippa穿插敘述技法處理得不太好,反而有點故弄玄虛,將普通故事分割開來以保持神秘感的方式結束。太多自憐的成分,還很自縱。影片沒有給出主角Pippa錯誤行為的理由,只是在贊美。初次會面的鏡頭公然這樣表述,一個男性角色對 Pippa大肆贊美,又來了,一份所有女性能擁有的優點清單。請問,在對她完全不了解的情況下,你怎麽可能已經如此喜歡她呢?這個問題永遠出現在大多數女性電影中,就這一點已經排除在我的清單之外了。既然說到這個問題,主角總是如此 ‘特別’,但為什麽呢?她做了什麽?少女Pippa是癮君子,一個混混;僅僅是因為年輕,金發碧眼和性感放蕩,但不知為什麽她成功地重新振作起來,並且變成一個忠實於家庭的人,充分展現人生的故事性飛躍?不好說,但如果人人都有故事,這個故事是我最不喜歡的。有劇情?談不上,不過是時不時的‘調味’罷了,來盡力迎合觀眾。當無能的Reeves介入,你就知道這類人最後會和主角上床,並且你還可以猜到,這類人幾乎八九不離十比主角年紀小很多。只是有時他們是醫生,而這一次,只是個胸前刺上耶穌文身的人,可以說是種褻瀆。
抱怨夠了,說說演員們的表演。幹得太棒了,每個演員都演得好。我的意思是說,沒有如此傑出的表演,我可能就不會寫這篇影評了。看到我放在影評前面的演員名單了嗎?那個就是我認為表演優劣的順序。很高興觀賞到bello、ryder、bellucci 展現他們獨特的精神障礙。還沒說到Arkin呢,他的雙眼是如此火熱,幾乎在脫光Lively。天啊,Lively最後真的裸露身體躺在他的身旁。這一定是個非常困難的表演挑戰,超出了Arkin以往的程度,由此我們來到最成功的扮演者,Penn。夥計們,她真的讓那些演員知道了誰才是老大。任何時候她都在挑逗著Reeves。Moore也演得很好,使眼色以及諸如此類的,盡量表演一個壞女孩。只是她佯裝戳Pippa臉的動作太微弱了,否則可以稱得上完美。
编剧/导演:rebecca miller 制片:brat pitt (又是他?)lemore syvan 演员:Robin Wright Penn (Pippa Lee), Alan Arkin (Herb Lee), Maria Bello (Suky Sarkissian), Blake Lively (Teenaged Pippa), Winona Ryder (Sandra Dulles), Julianne Moore (Kat), Monica Bellucci (Gigi Lee), Keanu Reeves (Chris)
影评:解析 这无疑是一部浪漫言情电影,但不仅如此。此片改编自同名小说,由导演miller自编自导。此故事片期望表现更多内容,而不简单是好莱坞大牌的堆砌。公正地说,影片带有一些讽刺意味的黑色幽默,大量对现实中挫折 以及当下家庭主妇绝望生活的描述,外加一种主人公私生活渐渐呈现出来的感觉。然而,现在和过去的Pippa穿插叙述技法处理得不太好,反而有点故弄玄虚,将普通故事分割开来以保 持神秘感的方式结束。太多自怜的成分,还很自纵。影片没有给出主角Pippa错误行为的理由,只是在赞美。初次会面的镜头公然这样表述,一个男性角色对Pippa大肆赞美,又来了,一份所有女性能拥有的优点清单。请问,在对她完全不 了解的情况下,你怎么可能已经如此喜欢她呢?这个问题永远出现在大多数女性电影中,就这一点已经排除在我的清单之外了。既然说到这个问题,主角总是如此 ‘特别’,但为什么呢?她做了什么?少女Pippa是瘾君子,一个混混;仅仅是因为年轻,金发碧眼和性感放荡,但不知为什么她成功地 重新振作起来,并且变成一个忠实于家庭的人,充分展现人生的故事性飞跃?不好说,但如果人人都有故事,这个故事是我最不喜欢的。有剧情?谈不上,不过是时不时的‘调味’罢了,来尽力迎合观众。当无能的Reeves介入,你就知道这类人最后会和主角上床,并且你还可以猜到,这类人几乎八九不离十比主角年纪小很多。只是有时他们是医生,而这一次,只是个胸前刺上耶稣文身的人,可以说是种亵渎。
抱怨够了,说说演员们的表演。干得太棒了,每个演员都演得好。我的意思是说,没有如此杰出的表演,我可能就不会写这篇影评了。看到我放在影评前面的演员名单了吗?那个就是我认为表演优劣的顺序。很高兴观赏到bello、ryder、bellucci 展现 他们独特的精神障碍。还没说到Arkin呢,他的双眼是如此火热,几乎在脱光Lively。天啊,Lively最后真的裸露身体躺在他的身旁。这一定是个非常困难的表演挑战,超出了Arkin以往的程度,由此我们来到最成功的扮演者,Penn。伙计们,她真的让那些演员知道了谁才是老大。任何时候她都在挑逗着Reeves。Moore也演得很好,使眼色以及诸如此类的,尽量表演一个坏女孩。只是她佯装戳Pippa脸的动作太微弱了,否则可以称得上完美。
你想看就看,不想看就算了,这并不是必须观赏的那种电影。但只是为了从那些贯穿着电脑特技和急促不清 对话的大片中解脱出来,这部影片可以作为一个很好的调剂。