Writer: Simon Beaufoy Director: Danny Boyle, Loveleen Tandan Cast: Dev Patel as Jamal Malik, Freida Pinto as Latika, Madhur Mittal as Salim, Anil Kapoor as Prem Kumar the show host, Irrfan Khan as police inspector
Comment: Having scooped 8 Academy, 4 Golden Globe, 7 Bafta, and an impressive gross revenue of 268 million usd, this movie, for a change, is highly recommended by friends. Yet i did not rush into view at first instance, thinking its success is political based, and by political i mean poverty and inequality in india, inevitably grim and viewers must be 'in a mood' to watch. For the chinese, this movie genre is so abundant sometimes i ponder if this is the only genre we got, but lets get back to our neighbouring friends here. The movie did not try to dig too deep into the dark alleys, but remain illustrative on abuse and violence- say the gorging of the infant's eyes (happens also in china) should stay in minds of viewers. I particularily enjoy the childhood part, the bit when they were playing cricket on air fields, most refreshing. The chase was well paced, razor sharp duck tour of the slum, and up beating soundtrack. The story left out almost entirely on the female voice, perhaps to maintain pace and focus more on brotherhood, and sadly there isnt much to talk about, their development is a feeble support to the start. The moment they stumbled upon the temple as tour guides, everything instantly become so cliche, the movie should be retitled 'journey FROM the west'. I believe this is what really annoyed the local audience, in comparison, whether the kids all of a sudden have fluent english accent is absurd, but only irrelevant. Lots of praise to actors such as the inspector, and the show host- his tendency to destroy the protagonist should be most reflected amongst indian society, this is self explanatory when the protagonist, despite not entirely intelligent, his drifting years in the streets give him the correct answer. Here brings across an important message, that child abuse and poverty may be unfortunate, but jealousy is a sin. In a whole, even though the full of cliches and irony on second half dragged the story to commercial level, i d say 'jai ho' (victory) to the movie makers. It is an entertaining two hours of indian adventure, it is about young lovers pursuing destiny, the future, not about a bunch of old timers dying of hunger, the past. The world's attention is on india again, at least for a while, last time it is when ben kingsley was Gandhi in 1982; what more can you ask for? (3.8/5)
Writer: F.Scott Fitzgerald, Eric Roth Director: David Fincher Cast: Brad Pitt as Benjamin Button, Cate Blanchett as Daisy Fuller, Tilda Swinton as Elizabeth Abbott, Jared Harris as Captain Mike, Taraji P. Henson as Queenie, Julia Ormond as Caroline (modern day daughter)
Comment: I cannot resist to compare this movie and the above, indeed they are competitors on most motion picture awards this year. First of all, this movie is a narrative story on benjamin button's miraculous life story, stretching close to a century's time; under such circumstances, should this equal to a three hour movie, i believe it is unnecessary. 180 minutes is enough to drag a supposed good movie to turmoil, especially the bit on brat pitt looking all 'sexy and cool' and started picking up chicks (back to his old self?)... that practically shattered the character which he tried so hard to portrait. The life story of benjamin's birth mom and some others are quite irrelevant. Also, the lack of justification of benjamin's bizarre growth has made the story development hollow. Make up and scenery shots on the other hand, are superior to most others. The sun set at the pier is some what similar to Dark City, but still breathe taking. Cast wise, both pitt and blanchett have done a terrific job as individuals, but lack chemistry as couple (great attempt tho). I particularly enjoyed Swinton's sharp performance, she just continues to impress.
It is apparent that this movie has an artistic vision, and more domestic to fellow americans than the movie above. I suppose the only reason that leads to its defeat, is that its fictional nature, it may be beautiful, it may even be curious, when a man finds his fountain of youth; but this is relatively flimsy when comparing to the slums in india, the real lives of thousands. Overall, i like the arts of benjamin button, but prefer the pace of slumdog by far. (3.9/5) |
編劇:西蒙·比尤弗伊 導演:丹尼·博伊爾, 洛芙琳·坦丹 演員:戴夫·帕特爾飾演傑瑪·馬利克 芙蕾達·平托飾演拉提卡 , 麥活·米泰爾飾演薩利姆,亞尼·卡普飾演節目主持人Prem Kumar, 伊凡·卡漢飾演警務督察
影評:該片奪得8項奧斯卡獎項、4項金球獎、7項英國電影電視藝術學院獎,票房總收入268萬美元。朋友們強烈推薦我看這部電影。但我沒有急著立刻去看,我想它的成功一定是因為政治因素,我所說的政治是指印度的貧窮和不平等現象、不可避免的冷酷事實,觀眾帶著興奮的心情來觀看。對中國人來說,這部電影的風格非常豐富,我有時在想這是否是我們唯一的風格,但讓我們回頭看看這鄰國的朋友吧。這部影片沒有在黑暗的小胡同裏陷得太深,但仍然表現了虐待和暴力行為,如弄瞎孩子的眼睛(在中國同樣也發生),使觀眾印象深刻。我特別喜歡講述童年的那一部分,他們在空地上打板球的那段,最令人耳目一新。追逐很有節奏感、快速掠過貧民窟,搭配打擊樂。這個故事幾乎完全排除了女性,也許是為了保持速度感、更加強調兄弟情誼,但遺憾的是這沒有什麽好說的,這方面的發展是一個無力的支持。當他們到泰姬陵做了導遊,一切都變得老生常談,電影應該改名為"東遊記"。我相信這是惹當地觀眾生氣的地方,比較而言,孩子們突然有一口流利的外國口音是否荒謬,這些都無關緊要了。有許多對演員的褒獎,如對督察和節目主持人懷疑主角的傾向是最反映印度社會現實的。盡管他不是特別聰明,但在街上漂流多年的經驗給了他正確答案。這裏給出了一個重要信息,即兒童的受虐和貧窮可能是不幸的,但嫉妒更是一種罪過。總而言之,盡管充滿了諷刺意味,下半部分的陳詞濫調將整個故事變得更商業化,我想對電影制造商說"jai ho"(勝利)。這是一個有趣的兩小時的印度冒險故事,關於年輕戀人追求未來命運的電影,不是老套的貧窮饑餓的故事。全球的註意力又都集中在印度了,至少在一段時間內是這樣。上一次是1982年本·金斯利成為甘地的時候。你還想要求什麽?( 3.8 / 5 )
編劇:樓·科特·菲茨傑拉德,艾瑞克·羅 導演:大衛·芬奇主演:布拉德·皮特飾演本傑明·巴頓,凱特·布蘭切特飾演黛西·福勒,蒂爾達·溫頓飾演伊麗莎白·阿博特,傑瑞德·哈裡飾演船長麥克, Taraji P. Henson 飾演奎恩莫克,朱莉婭·奧蒙德飾演凱若琳(現代的女兒)
很明顯,這部影片很藝術,比起上一部電影,國內觀眾可能會更青睞這部產自美國的影片。我猜想導致其失敗的唯一原因是它的虛構性質,它可能很美麗,但它更讓人覺得奇怪。一個人發現年輕的本源,與印度數以千計的人正在活著的貧民窟相比如此不值一提。總的來說,我欣賞本傑明·巴頓的藝術,但更喜歡體驗貧民窟的生命節奏。(3.9 / 5)|
编剧:西蒙·比尤弗伊 导演:丹尼·博伊尔, 洛芙琳·坦丹 演员:戴夫·帕特尔饰演杰玛·马利克 芙蕾达·平托饰演拉提卡 , 麦活·米泰尔饰演萨利姆,亚尼·卡普饰演节目主持人Prem Kumar, 伊凡·卡汉饰演警务督察
影评:该片夺得8项奥斯卡奖项、4项金球奖、7项英国电影电视艺术学院奖,票房总收入268万美元。朋友们强烈推荐我看这部电影。但我没有急着立刻去看,我想它的成功一定是因为政治因素,我所说的政治是指印度的贫穷和不平等现象、不可避免的冷酷事实,观众带着兴奋的心情来观看。对中国人来说,这部电影的风格非常丰富,我有时在想这是否是我们唯一的风格,但让我们回头看看这邻国的朋友吧。这部影片没有在黑暗的小胡同里陷得太深,但仍然表现了虐待和暴力行为,如弄瞎孩子的眼睛(在中国同样也发生),使观众印象深刻。我特别喜欢讲述童年的那一部分,他们在空地上打板球的那段,最令人耳目一新。追逐很有节奏感、快速掠过贫民窟,搭配打击乐。这个故事几乎完全排除了女性,也许是为了保持速度感、更加强调兄弟情谊,但遗憾的是这没有什么好说的,这方面的发展是一个无力的支持。当他们到泰姬陵做了导游,一切都变得老生常谈,电影应该改名为"东游记"。我相信这是惹当地观众生气的地方,比较而言,孩子们突然有一口流利的外国口音是否荒谬,这些都无关紧要了。有许多对演员的褒奖,如对督察和节目主持人怀疑主角的倾向是最反映印度社会现实的。尽管他不是特别聪明,但在街上漂流多年的经验给了他正确答桉。这里给出了一个重要信息,即儿童的受虐和贫穷可能是不幸的,但嫉妒更是一种罪过。总而言之,尽管充满了讽刺意味,下半部分的陈词滥调将整个故事变得更商业化,我想对电影制造商说"jai ho"(胜利)。这是一个有趣的两小时的印度冒险故事,关于年轻恋人追求未来命运的电影,不是老套的贫穷饥饿的故事。全球的注意力又都集中在印度了,至少在一段时间内是这样。上一次是1982年本·金斯利成为甘地的时候。你还想要求什么?( 3.8 / 5 )
编剧:楼·科特·菲茨杰拉德,艾瑞克·罗 导演:大卫·芬奇主演:布拉德·皮特饰演本杰明·巴顿,凯特·布兰切特饰演黛西·福勒,蒂尔达·温顿饰演伊丽莎白·阿博特,杰瑞德·哈裡饰演船长麦克, Taraji P. Henson 饰演奎恩莫克,朱莉娅·奥蒙德饰演凯若琳(现代的女儿)
很明显,这部影片很艺术,比起上一部电影,国内观众可能会更青睐这部产自美国的影片。我猜想导致其失败的唯一原因是它的虚构性质,它可能很美丽,但它更让人觉得奇怪。一个人发现年轻的本源,与印度数以千计的人正在活着的贫民窟相比如此不值一提。总的来说,我欣赏本杰明·巴顿的艺术,但更喜欢体验贫民窟的生命节奏。(3.9 / 5)