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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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SIX grand calling charge a month?!|一個月六千元電話費?!|一个月六千元电话费?!

I received a text message almost a week ago, telling me i was charged 6200.00+ hkd for international calls (i was in hang zhou, china) from a period of october to november. I was FURIOUS!!! I called the network company 3 to acquire my dial log details, turns out its completely useless; i still have no idea who called me (i was charged for that apparently) or vice versa! The agents who answered my calls were relatively polite, but were absolutely reluctant to assist or provide any form of refund. Therefore today, when i finally had the luxury of time to sit down and go on the net (i m actually sitting in the hall of a so-called '5 star hotel', the only place where they have internet covery), i called 3 again (i would be charged for calling btw), and gave them a final warning: if they fail to call tmr and compensate to my satisfaction (refund to some extend), i will terminate my account. DAMN YOU THREE, YOU BLOOD SUCKING AHOLES!!

Three gave me a couple calls yesterday. The first call was a waste of time, i was asked 'why is it that i demand a refund?' and '6 grand is only common for long distance calls, it could go up to a 30 thousand and above,' therefore i responded like this, 'dont call me until u think of a satisfactory offer!' and hung up. Fourty five mintues later they called again, offering a 10% off the 6 grand charged, refundable on the next billing month. I was busy filming, so i just gave them a brief acknowledgement. This is the last happening of the event... | 大概一周前我收到短信告知,10月到11月(當時我在中國杭州),我的國際長途話費是6200元港幣! 我非常氣憤!!! 我打電話給通訊公司3索要我的通話記錄,結果發現完全沒有幫助。我還是不知道誰打過電話給我(很明顯我為此付錢),或我給誰打了電話!接聽我電話的職員彬彬有禮,但很不樂意輔助或以任何形式退款。所以今天,當我終於有大把時間坐下來上網(事實上我正坐在一個所謂的“五星級飯店”的大廳裏,這是唯一一個有網絡的地方),我又聯絡通訊公司3(順帶說一句,我又得為此付電話費了),給他們最後的警告:如果他們明天之內沒有聯絡我並給我滿意的賠償(退回多收的費用),我會停止使用我的賬戶! 該死的通訊公司3,你們這些吸血鬼!!

通訊公司3昨天給我打了兩次電話。第一次電話簡直是浪費時間,我被問到“為什麽我要求退款”、“打長途電話6千元不算多,有時候會多達三萬元”,於是我回答“在你找到一個令人滿意的回復之前,不要給我打電話!”之後掛斷了電話。45分鐘之後他們又打來,願意按6千元減收10%,在下一個結賬月時退款。我當時正忙著拍戲,就草草應答了。這就是事件的最後結果…| 大概一周前我收到短信告知,10月到11月(当时我在中国杭州),我的国际长途话费是6200元港币! 我非常气愤!!! 我打电话给通讯公司3索要我的通话记录,结果发现完全没有帮助。我还是不知道谁打过电话给我(很明显我为此付钱),或我给谁打了电话!接听我电话的职员彬彬有礼,但很不乐意辅助或以任何形式退款。所以今天,当我终于有大把时间坐下来上网(事实上我正坐在一个所谓的“五星级饭店”的大厅里,这是唯一一个有网络的地方),我又联络通讯公司3(顺带说一句,我又得为此付电话费了),给他们最后的警告:如果他们明天之内没有联络我并给我满意的赔偿(退回多收的费用),我会停止使用我的账户! 该死的通讯公司3,你们这些吸血鬼!!


over 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha! i know your pain! are you using an iPhone by chance? I had a $1000 charge from a 4 day trip to Japan! (and another guy on this website had $4000 from a few days in Malaysia...) they're pretty incompetent... in my case they called me up and said "please tell us your name, address and password so we can verify who you are" -- I said "F$*%K YOU, why would I tell that info to some random person who calls me on the phone claiming to be from the phone company with no proof?!"
over 15 years ago
Jayson 93 2
They are definitely incompetent. Don't let them push you around!
over 15 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin, french
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Member Since
November 8, 2007