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shenzhen Interlaken OCT hotel|深圳茵特拉根華僑城酒店|深圳茵特拉根华侨城酒店

This is the first wedding i attend to this year, congratulations to the lovely couple kristie and ben. Due to visa difficulties, the hosts have chosen shenzhen Interlaken as their wedding location. Like the rest of u folks, i have never heard of such a place before. Upon arrival, only then i realise how vast the resort is, its like acres of a plateau hidden in the mounts, and it is only 40 min away from city center. In terms of facilities, they have a respectful church area for occasions like wedding etc, an 18 hole golf course, a theme park mainly for botanic plants (resembles disney but only has a hot air balloon ride), an adequate onsen/spa aqua treatment area enough for hours of entertainment, colossium and of course, the hotel. I was going to mention the single room rates but then i dont want this to be like a commercial. The only down side is that the hotel service is still pretty 'fresh', as in they are unaware of the international standards, so that may cause trouble to some, u know, for the girls mostly lol. I didnt care less bcos i m already used to and i had great time already drinking and the banquet lunch was pretty good imo. In a whole, if u r thinking private-get-away- vacation, this is your choice. With such bad ass economy, judging the attendance of this joint, it will probably take a decade to recover cost, so well before it shuts down, at least take a tour.   

Front entrance hall, botanic decos all over the place, this picture only shows half of it; live jazz band almost throughout the day, attendance is zero though, what tragedy 

church area directly extended from front hall, normally used as show room

boy i yayed christie dont cry almost 3 times that day, love is all around lol

believe it or not, this garden area connects to each individual rooms, u open your bay window, et voila...

this is what you see from the room during the day, u can see cafes, disney-like village and a colossium afar; in night time, light is shining every where its even more beautiful than it is now, o and boat trips around the lake too- day time v night time attendance10:1 | 這是我今年參加的第一次婚禮,祝賀可愛的夫婦 kristie 和 Ben。由於簽證困難,他們選擇深圳因特拉根華僑城酒店作為婚禮舉辦地。如同各位一樣,我之前從未聽說過有這個地方。直到到達,我才知道這個度假村有多大,就像隱藏在山中幾英畝的高原,距離市中心只有40分鐘。就設施而言,他們還有一個神聖的教堂區可以舉辦婚禮等,當然還有一個18洞的高爾夫球場,以及一個種植植物的主題公園(類似於迪斯尼,但只有一個熱氣球可以坐),有足夠的溫泉/溫泉水療區給人充足的娛樂時間,大劇場,當然還有這間酒店。想提及的是,單人間的級別很高,我不是做廣告。唯一不足的是酒店的服務仍相當"生疏",因為他們不了解國際標準,可能會讓一些人覺得麻煩,你知道,大部分是女孩 lol。我不是很關心,因為我已經習慣,而且我過的很開心,喝了酒、宴請的午餐相當不錯。總之,如果你打算度個私人假期,這是好選擇。現在經濟如此蕭條,再從它的入住率來看,很可能需要10年時間才能收回成本。所以,在它歇業之前,至少遊覽一趟。 



夥計,那天我朝 christie 喊了三次"別哭",被愛包圍著 lol


這是白天從房間看到的景色,你可以看到咖啡廳、像迪斯尼一樣的村落以及遠處的大劇院;晚上,燈光閃耀在每個地方,比現在更美。湖上還有觀賞遊船 - 白天相比晚上的人流量是 10:1。| 这是我今年参加的第一次婚礼,祝贺可爱的夫妇 kristie 和 Ben。由于签证困难,他们选择深圳因特拉根华侨城酒店作为婚礼举办地。如同各位一样,我之前从未听说过有这个地方。直到到达,我才知道这个度假村有多大,就像隐藏在山中几英亩的高原,距离市中心只有40分钟。就设施而言,他们还有一个神圣的教堂区可以举办婚礼等,当然还有一个18洞的高尔夫球场,以及一个种植植物的主题公园(类似于迪斯尼,但只有一个热气球可以坐),有足够的温泉/温泉水疗区给人充足的娱乐时间,大剧场,当然还有这间酒店。想提及的是,单人间的级别很高,我不是做广告。唯一不足的是酒店的服务仍相当"生疏",因为他们不了解国际标准,可能会让一些人觉得麻烦,你知道,大部分是女孩 lol。我不是很关心,因为我已经习惯,而且我过的很开心,喝了酒、宴请的午餐相当不错。总之,如果你打算度个私人假期,这是好选择。现在经济如此萧条,再从它的入住率来看,很可能需要10年时间才能收回成本。所以,在它歇业之前,至少游览一趟。



伙计,那天我朝 christie 喊了三次"别哭",被爱包围着 lol


这是白天从房间看到的景色,你可以看到咖啡厅、像迪斯尼一样的村落以及远处的大剧院;晚上,灯光闪耀在每个地方,比现在更美。湖上还有观赏游船 - 白天相比晚上的人流量是 10:1。

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55108
i heard about this place .... it's just switzerland just less the snow! nice pics ... hope u had a nice time ...
大约 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
November 8, 2007