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Victor Chen
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seinfeld dissing blackberry and iphones|宋飛輕視黑莓和iphones|宋飞轻视黑莓和iphones

absolutely spot on jerry. cant wait to get my new iphone, enjoy the vid!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDA7__znfY now, here is my take on technology advancement. public washrooms. have you ever come across those hand paper/ towel dispenser, Fully-Automated? thats right, the good old fashion pull-and-tear arent good enough, nowadays after you washed your hands, u may find yourself standing there, not knowing what to do, frantically hand gestering in the air, looking for the dispenser scanner like an idiot, almost as if u r praying, all for a piece of toilet paper so u can wipe your filthy hands with. ppl might say, take it easy buddy, cant u just marvel this device as part of our technology advancement, like any other person? the answer, is NO, and let me tell you the reason. the good old fashion paper/towel dispensers arent good enough, not bcos they arent efficient for our human brains, its bcos they break down way too often, for we, as modern mankind, still act like planet of the apes when it comes to tear off the piece paper u want or pull down the bit of towel you need. manufacturers cant deal with all the wear and tear, so they come up with this solution, the fully-automated-touch-me-not-alcatraz-pain-in-the-ass style. so next time u walk in a washroom, think about all the broken dispensers u v seen, think about how long this new model can out last our stupid human brains, before it fails miserably once again. thank you ladies and gentlemen! | 傑里說得完全正確。很想拿到我的新iphone,欣賞這個視頻!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDA7__znfY 現在是我對發展科技的想法。公共厠所。你有沒有遇過那些全自動的廁所手紙架?是的,舊款拉和撕的不夠好,現在當你洗完手,你可能發現你站在那裏,不知道該怎麽做,緊張的在空中擺動雙手,像個瘋子般在找手紙架的感應器,好像你在祈求,全為了一張可以抹你雙髒手的廁紙。有人會說,放鬆點吧,你不可以像其他人般讚歎這是科技進步嗎?答案是,不,待我解釋。舊款拉和撕的手紙架之所以不夠好,不是因爲它們不夠效率,而是因爲它們常常壞掉,當我們想把紙拉下來或撕下時,我們還像猿人地動。生產商不想對磨損的手紙架常常維修,所以拿出這個辦法,一個全自動但很麻煩的手紙架。當你下次去廁所,想想所有你看過的壞手紙架,想想這個型號在悲慘地失靈前可以維持多久。謝謝個位先生女士! | 杰里说得完全正确。很想拿到我的新iphone,欣赏这个视频!http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PYDA7__znfY 现在是我对发展科技的想法。公共厠所。你有没有遇过那些全自动的厕所手纸架?是的,旧款拉和撕的不够好,现在当你洗完手,你可能发现你站在那里,不知道该怎么做,紧张的在空中摆动双手,像个疯子般在找手纸架的感应器,好像你在祈求,全为了一张可以抹你双髒手的厕纸。有人会说,放鬆点吧,你不可以像其他人般讚歎这是科技进步吗?答桉是,不,待我解释。旧款拉和撕的手纸架之所以不够好,不是因爲它们不够效率,而是因爲它们常常坏掉,当我们想把纸拉下来或撕下时,我们还像猿人地动。生产商不想对磨损的手纸架常常维修,所以拿出这个办法,一个全自动但很麻烦的手纸架。当你下次去厕所,想想所有你看过的坏手纸架,想想这个型号在悲惨地失灵前可以维持多久。谢谢个位先生女士!

over 14 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
ha ha! jerry is still awesome. (although the 'slam the phone down' joke is an old re-tool of his stand up material where he was talking about cordless phones... so 1990s!) :-P
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i just got my iphone4 yesterday. its pretty nifty. But I think if you're upgrading from a 3G or 3GS, the differences won't be huge... just the screen (beautiful) and the general speed are the biggest things i've noticed so far.
over 14 years ago


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