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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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RIP MJ|MJ願你安眠|MJ愿你安眠

In my opinion, MJ is the undisputed king of pops, thats right, its either him or nobody. Singing since the age of five, this guy has been in the entertaining business for almost five decades, and is still going strong. On contrary, it breaks our hearts knowing the fragile state hes in when he passed away. I feel sorry for the ending, but when ever i think about his glory days, my sorrow is once again replaced with wonder and admiration. MJ, u have tried so hard in life to lift up our hearts, i salute you, now u may rest in peace, for u will definitely be resting in our hearts forever. Irreplaceable, i wont see any other as good as you in my life time, you have all my blessings mic, be a happy soul.    

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtmbZbzr680&feature=related I was in awe the other day watching this. How could i not have noticed the true feelings of our king of pop, that happened such a long time ago? He has always felt so alone, the lyrics touched the bottom of my heart, for i feel for him. Long time since i felt this way. I think a lot, always has always will. And the people who i can sit down and talk to, for some reasons, during my course of adulthood, seem to get less and less. It can be mutual, i have figured a reason or two but thats not the point. I realise my need to connect with people, or at least, relate to.   Those who has been following this blog should notice the amount of youtube sources. It has become part of my life before i noticed. I LOVE watching stand up comedians, first bcos they cheer me up, second for their sharp observations to human nature, mostly just for laughs, but some of them really try to make a mark e.g. the late george carlin, chris rock etc. And oddly enough, from those videos, i see a different side of them. I see how lonely they are, having all their judgement and firm beliefs in life. Recently i found out quite a few of those comedians that i like are actually lonely/depressed, even more so than i m e.g. chris rock ('kill' the messenger), sacha baron cohen (his attention seeking comedy style drives him crazy), dave chappelle (considered not doing comedy at all for a while), adam sandler (next movie Funny People explains a lot and he knows he is retarded btw), matthew perry (thanks to his repeated recommendation to the game Fallout 3 now i m also addicted), ellen degeneres (hates chatting with strangers yet she is a female based chat show host, and being a famous lesbian of course), steven chow (not exactly the easy-get-along type of boss is he), and the list goes on. You might be thinking, 'boy what a bunch of idiots!' Take mj for example, he has millions of fans all over the world, of all the people who love and support him, he overlooked, and chose the path of destruction. I would probably say the same for our beloved Leslie Cheung. But who knows? Who knows whats going on in their minds? These guys arent famous for nothing, they all have ups and downs and can write chronicles on media pressure. So the negative voice in their heads telling them to let go must be so intense, that is beyond imagine. And this point brings back to me, geesh, i dont think negative to this extent, not yet at least. I guess i just need someone to listen to my off-the-chart dialog from time to time... Oh well, may be its best i do it here:) Its getting late, i should better hit the sack, until next time, have a good life folks.| 在我看來,MJ是流行音樂界無可爭辯的王者,是的,除了他沒別人。從5歲開始歌唱,他已經在娛樂界存在了近50年,並依然強勁。然而,他的去世讓我們心碎。我為這種結局感到遺憾,但是每當我想起他輝煌的歲月,我的悲痛再次被驚訝和欽佩取代。MJ,你曾如此努力的照亮我們的內心,我向你致敬,現在你可以安息了,你一定會永遠安息在我們心中。不可替代的,在我生命中我將不會再視任何人如你一般優秀,你擁有我所有音樂上的贊美,做一個快樂的魂靈吧。 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtmbZbzr680&feature=related 我在另一天滿懷敬意的看著這些文字。我怎麽能沒有註意到我們流行音樂之王的真實感受呢,而且這些事情發生在如此久的時間以前?他看起來總是那麽孤獨,那些歌詞觸動了我的心底,我能感受到他。我有這種感覺已經好長時間了。 


那些一直在關註這個博客的人應該註意到大量的YouTube資源。我還沒有註意到,它已經成為了我生活的一部分。我喜歡看滑稽劇,首先是因為他們使我快樂,第二是因為他們對人性敏銳的觀察,大部分只是為了逗笑。但他們中的一些真的嘗試引領時代,例如已故的喬治卡林,克裏斯洛克等。更奇怪的是,從這些視頻中,我看到了他們不同的一面。我看到了他們是多麽的孤獨,伴隨著他們生命中的判斷和堅定信念。最近我發現了不少我喜歡的喜劇演員事實上都很孤獨/沮喪,甚至比我更厲害。如克裏斯洛克('殺掉'了通信員),薩沙拜倫科恩(他尋求喜劇風格的努力把自己弄瘋了),大衛查普爾(有一段時間曾被認為不再演喜劇了),亞當桑德勒(下一部電影有趣的人是很好的說明,他知道他是個智障),馬修佩裏(多虧了他的多次推薦Fallout 3遊戲,現在我也上癮了),艾倫德傑尼勒斯(盡管她是一名著名的女性聊天節目主持人,她卻討厭與陌生人聊天,同時她是一個著名的女同性戀),史蒂芬洲(他不完全是一個容易相處的人),真是不勝枚舉。 


有點晚了,我最好上床睡覺了,下次再聊,開心的生活啊朋友們。| 在我看来,MJ是流行音乐界无可争辩的王者,是的,除了他没别人。从5岁开始歌唱,他已经在娱乐界存在了近50年,并依然强劲。然而,他的去世让我们心碎。我为这种结局感到遗憾,但是每当我想起他辉煌的岁月,我的悲痛再次被惊讶和钦佩取代。MJ,你曾如此努力的照亮我们的内心,我向你致敬,现在你可以安息了,你一定会永远安息在我们心中。不可替代的,在我生命中我将不会再视任何人如你一般优秀,你拥有我所有音乐上的赞美,做一个快乐的魂灵吧。 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtmbZbzr680&feature=related 我在另一天满怀敬意的看着这些文字。我怎么能没有注意到我们流行音乐之王的真实感受呢,而且这些事情发生在如此久的时间以前?他看起来总是那么孤独,那些歌词触动了我的心底,我能感受到他。我有这种感觉已经好长时间了。 


那些一直在关注这个博客的人应该注意到大量的YouTube资源。我还没有注意到,它已经成为了我生活的一部分。我喜欢看滑稽剧,首先是因为他们使我快乐,第二是因为他们对人性敏锐的观察,大部分只是为了逗笑。但他们中的一些真的尝试引领时代,例如已故的乔治卡林,克里斯洛克等。更奇怪的是,从这些视频中,我看到了他们不同的一面。我看到了他们是多么的孤独,伴随着他们生命中的判断和坚定信念。最近我发现了不少我喜欢的喜剧演员事实上都很孤独/沮丧,甚至比我更厉害。如克里斯洛克('杀掉'了通信员),萨沙拜伦科恩(他寻求喜剧风格的努力把自己弄疯了),大卫查普尔(有一段时间曾被认为不再演喜剧了),亚当桑德勒(下一部电影有趣的人是很好的说明,他知道他是个智障),马修佩里(多亏了他的多次推荐Fallout 3游戏,现在我也上瘾了),艾伦德杰尼勒斯(尽管她是一名著名的女性聊天节目主持人,她却讨厌与陌生人聊天,同时她是一个著名的女同性恋),史蒂芬洲(他不完全是一个容易相处的人),真是不胜枚举。 



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November 8, 2007