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RIP greg giraldo|Greg Giraldo,願安息|Greg Giraldo,愿安息

On September 25, 2010, Giraldo overdosed on prescription medication. After he failed to appear for a scheduled performance at the Stress Factory, police officers found him in his hotel room at the Hyatt Hotel in New Brunswic, New Jersey, and rushed him to Robert Wood Johnso University Hospital in that town. TMZ reported that he had been in a coma for five days when his family decided to remove life support. He died September 29, 2010.

Imo, giraldo is one of the greatest amercian comedians in the first decade of year 2000.




Giraldo was born in The Bronx and was raised in Queens. He attended Regis High School. He is the oldest son of immigrant parents from Colombia (father) and Spain (mother), and was raised Roman Catholic. He attended Camp Rising Sun, the Louis August Jonas Foundation's international summer scholarship program. He went on to earn a bachelor's degree from Columbia University and a law degree from Harvard Law School.

Before becoming a comedian, Giraldo worked as a lawyer. Giraldo spent less than a year as an associate for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom before changing his occupation. Despite his prior career, Giraldo rejected that persona and very rarely discussed his days as a lawyer.

i especially like this career transition of his. harvard law graduate, raised in queens, associate of one of the most prominent law firm in nyc, who decided to become a stand up comedian in manhattan. his social status was a constant roller coaster ride. u devoted your life to comedy, to inspire ppl, and i respect that. greg, rest in peace.

for those who wanna know more about greg's philosophy to comedy, click on the following link:

http://www.comedyhalloffame.com/archives/greg-giraldo/ | 九月二十五號那天,Giraldo服用了大量藥物,所以他未能如約出現在原定於重音工廠的演出上,警察隨即在位於新澤西,新布倫瑞克的凱悅酒店其房間內發現了他,並隨機將他送往當地的羅伯特 伍德 約翰遜大學附屬醫院救治。TMZ報道說當他的家人決定撤除生命補給的時候,事實上Giraldo已昏迷了五天。他逝世於2010年9月29 日。 在我看來,Giraldo是2000年代頭十年裏最好的喜劇演員之一。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPTowp3e77k&feature=related   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGJVVRJshxY 背景: Giraldo出生於布朗斯區,於皇後區長大,在瑞吉斯中學念書。他是這個移民家庭裏最大的孩子,爸爸是哥倫比亞人,媽媽來自西班牙,而且還在羅馬天主教成長過。他還參加過明日之星夏令營,即路易斯 奧格斯特 喬納斯基金名下的國際夏季獎學金項目。接著他在哥倫比亞大學取得了學士學位,哈佛大學法學院取得了法學學位。成為一名喜劇演員之前,Giraldo的職業是律師,而且他用了不到一年的時間,分別成為了Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher 和 Flom這些律師事務所的合夥人。律師雖說是他曾有過的職業,但是他並不喜歡這種裝樣子的工作,所以以後也鮮有談起律師那段歲月。 我尤其喜歡他這種職業的轉變,哈佛大學畢業,皇後區長大,紐約市最著名律師事務所的合作人,卻在曼哈頓開啟了他喜劇演員的生涯。他的社會地位就像是坐過山車一樣,起起伏伏。你將自己投身於喜劇事業中,激勵著每一個人。我敬重你,Greg,願你在天堂安息。 f要是有人想要知道關於Greg更多的戲劇表演哲學,請點擊下面的鏈接 http://www.comedyhalloffame.com/archives/greg-giraldo/| 九月二十五号那天,Giraldo服用了大量药物,所以他未能如约出现在原定于重音工厂的演出上,警察随即在位于新泽西,新布伦瑞克的凯悦酒店其房间内发现了他,并随机将他送往当地的罗伯特 伍德 约翰逊大学附属医院救治。TMZ报道说当他的家人决定撤除生命补给的时候,事实上Giraldo已昏迷了五天。他逝世于2010年9月29日。





Giraldo出生于布朗斯区,于皇后区长大,在瑞吉斯中学念书。他是这个移民家庭里最大的孩子,爸爸是哥伦比亚人,妈妈来自西班牙,而且还在罗马天主教成长过。他还参加过明日之星夏令营,即路易斯 奥格斯特 乔纳斯基金名下的国际夏季奖学金项目。接着他在哥伦比亚大学取得了学士学位,哈佛大学法学院取得了法学学位。

成为一名喜剧演员之前,Giraldo的职业是律师,而且他用了不到一年的时间,分别成为了Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher 和 Flom这些律师事务所的合伙人。律师虽说是他曾有过的职业,但是他并不喜欢这种装样子的工作,所以以后也鲜有谈起律师那段岁月。




over 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
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Oh yeah I was familiar with his standup. Very sad! I hope people learn to stay away from drugs!!
over 14 years ago


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