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Ponyo on the cliff... or Bolt?|崖上的金魚公主……或者波特?|崖上的金鱼公主……或者波特?


Writer/ Director: Hayao Miyazaki Cast: Yuria Nara (Ponyo), Hiroki Doi (Sosuke) , Tomoko Yamaquchi (Sosuke's mother) Music: Joe Hisaishi

Writer: Chris Sanders Director: Chris Williams, Byron Howard Cast: John Travolta (Bolt), Miley Cyrus (Penny), Susie Essman (Mittens), Mark Walton (Rhino), Greg Germann (Agent) Music: John Powell

The reason i compare these two animated movies is because both of them are released in hong kong about the same time, and they are intended for children. Just by looking at the posters, i would think Miyazaki is yet going for a pleasant surprising plot again, bolt however is just another predictable disney 3D action movie for weekend family movie goers. Turns out i was wrong for both cases, lets start with ponyo.

I guess Miyazaki this time is trying to lighten up on his environmental issues, even though there are still moments of polluted coastal sea beds and over populated water traffic. The beginning is as dreamy and beautiful as all other Miyazaki's movie, it revolves around a little gold fish, who escapes from the deep blue sea and ends up stranded on the shore. There she is rescued by a five year old boy, who she eventually falls in love with. Despite ponyo's father's (a powerful wizard apparently) intervention and the boy's mother went missing, the two children found love and peace at the end. Sounds like a simple plot, may be too simple this time, after a pretty gripping start, unnecessary details like 'how to start an electric motor' or 'how to start a steam boat', killed the pace only half way the movie. Why did ponyo decide to leave the sea was never explained. The scene when the boy's mother called her husband 'baka' using light house signal, and the minor characters' dialog suggest this movie is intended not only for children. However the plot never brought forward this point. I guess the worst part is when ponyo's mother appeared towards the end, her appearance is too gaia/ mother of earth in other words too old fashioned/ cliche, her purpose was also never explained. I was so lost in direction. All in all, what is the movie trying to say? A gold fish's dream come true? I have not a clue. (3.5/5)

My first impression of bolt: a 3D sci-fi super dog boy's flick intended for multi game stations adaptation, period. Yet what turns out is not only special effects, but a dog's feelings to his special 'person' (actress penny). Forever fast paced, this is yet another solid piece of entertainment that disney animation has to provide. The plot has a twist at the beginning, giving away bolt's identity not as a super dog (who uses its super powers to protect  little girl penny from the evil clutches of dr. calico), but an actor dog who only came to realise until much later. It then becomes even more entertaining when mittens the cat and rhino the hamster came in and totally steal the show. After a series of laughing out loud pet adventures, the end is of course filled with love and hugs, disney style. Overall, the story has made a successful attempt to over turn the presumed super hero genre, it is touching at times, provided that the casts, dialog, and setting are nicely fused together.  (4.5/5)|

 作者/導演:宮崎駿 演員: 奈良柚莉愛(Ponyo)、土井洋輝(Sosuke)、山口智子(Sosuke的母親) 音樂:久石讓

作者:克裏斯·桑德斯 導演:克裏斯·威廉姆斯 拜恩·霍華德 演員:約翰·特拉沃塔(波特),麥莉·賽勒斯(佩妮) ,Susie Essman(連指手套),馬克•沃爾頓(犀牛),葛瑞·格傑曼(經紀人) 音樂:約翰·鮑威爾


我想宮崎駿這次是試圖減輕環境汙染問題,盡管近海海底汙染仍時刻存在而且被汙染的水過量排放。電影的開始如宮崎駿其他的電影一樣夢幻而美麗,它圍繞一條小金魚展開,她從深海逃離但最終擱淺在岸上。在那裏她被一個5歲的小男孩救了,她最終愛上了他。盡管有ponyo 的父親(顯然是一個強大的男巫)的幹預加上男孩兒的母親失蹤,兩個孩子最終得到了愛與和平。聽起來是很簡單的情節,這次也太簡單了吧,在一個引人入勝的開端後,有不必要的細節如“如何啟動一個電動馬達”或“如何啟動蒸汽船”,在電影剛進行到一半就索然無味。ponyo究竟為什麽決定離開大海,電影從未給出解釋。有一幕講男孩的母親叫她丈夫“baka”使用光房子信號,配角的對話表明這部電影不只是針對兒童的。但情節卻從未說明這一點。我想最糟糕的部分就是當ponyo的母親似乎快要死去時,她的外貌太蓋亞/地球之母換言之太老套了/陳腔濫調,她出現的意圖也從未解釋。我完全沒有頭緒。總之,這個電影想表達什麽?一條金魚實現了夢想?我毫無頭緒。(3.5 / 5)

我對波特的第一印象:一個3D科幻超級狗,為多角色遊戲改編的男孩子的電影,一個時期。然而結果證明它不僅是特效,而且是狗對他的"主人"(女演員佩妮)的感情。永遠是快節奏的,這是迪斯尼動畫提供的不變的娛樂元素。情節在開始時令人曲解,給出波特的身份並不是一只超級狗(它利用他的超能力使小女孩佩妮遠離邪惡的calico博士的魔爪),而是一只演員狗,他在很久之後才覺察到。電影在貓(連指手套)和倉鼠(犀牛)加入並大出風頭後變得更加有趣。經過一系列令人捧腹的寵物冒險之後,結局當然是充滿了愛與擁抱,迪斯尼風格。總的來說,我的註意力以一個愉快的方式被這個故事吸引。事實上我也被感動了幾次。演員,對白和情節真的很不錯。(4.5 / 5)|

 作者/导演:宫崎骏 演员: 奈良柚莉爱(Ponyo)、土井洋辉(Sosuke)、山口智子(Sosuke的母亲) 音乐:久石让

作者:克里斯·桑德斯 导演:克里斯·威廉姆斯 拜恩·霍华德 演员:约翰·特拉沃塔(波特),麦莉·赛勒斯(佩妮) ,Susie Essman(连指手套),马克•沃尔顿(犀牛),葛瑞·格杰曼(经纪人) 音乐:约翰·鲍威尔


我想宫崎骏这次是试图减轻环境污染问题,尽管近海海底污染仍时刻存在而且被污染的水过量排放。电影的开始如宫崎骏其他的电影一样梦幻而美丽,它围绕一条小金鱼展开,她从深海逃离但最终搁浅在岸上。在那里她被一个5岁的小男孩救了,她最终爱上了他。尽管有ponyo 的父亲(显然是一个强大的男巫)的干预加上男孩儿的母亲失踪,两个孩子最终得到了爱与和平。听起来是很简单的情节,这次也太简单了吧,在一个引人入胜的开端后,有不必要的细节如“如何启动一个电动马达”或“如何启动蒸汽船”,在电影刚进行到一半就索然无味。ponyo究竟为什么决定离开大海,电影从未给出解释。有一幕讲男孩的母亲叫她丈夫“baka”使用光房子信号,配角的对话表明这部电影不只是针对儿童的。但情节却从未说明这一点。我想最糟糕的部分就是当ponyo的母亲似乎快要死去时,她的外貌太盖亚/地球之母换言之太老套了/陈腔滥调,她出现的意图也从未解释。我完全没有头绪。总之,这个电影想表达什么?一条金鱼实现了梦想?我毫无头绪。(3.5 / 5)

我对波特的第一印象:一个3D科幻超级狗,为多角色游戏改编的男孩子的电影,一个时期。然而结果证明它不仅是特效,而且是狗对他的"主人"(女演员佩妮)的感情。永远是快节奏的,这是迪斯尼动画提供的不变的娱乐元素。情节在开始时令人曲解,给出波特的身份并不是一只超级狗(它利用他的超能力使小女孩佩妮远离邪恶的calico博士的魔爪),而是一只演员狗,他在很久之后才觉察到。电影在猫(连指手套)和仓鼠(犀牛)加入并大出风头后变得更加有趣。经过一系列令人捧腹的宠物冒险之后,结局当然是充满了爱与拥抱,迪斯尼风格。总的来说,我的注意力以一个愉快的方式被这个故事吸引。事实上我也被感动了几次。演员,对白和情节真的很不错。(4.5 / 5)

about 16 years ago 0 likes  8 comments  0 shares


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