Official Artist
Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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Around da world| 周游大世界|周游大世界

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Hey folks, i m travelling to basel tomorrow, for the annual jewellery and watch exhibition lasting a week or so; then i ll go visit nyc, the last time i m there i was only 10, so things MUST have changed there; after the big apple, i ll return to visit big ben, eventually coming home again. Meanwhile, my aim is to fill the page up with photos, so u folks can enjoy the journey as much as i did. And before i go, allow me to share this clip with you, presented by the cast from the romantic comedy 'He's just not that into you'. Enjoy! | 即使回應是"Embedded disabled by request",請你雙擊鏈接欣賞視頻。


嗨,夥計們,我明天將前往巴塞爾,參加為期一周的年度珠寶首飾及鐘表展覽會,然後我將參觀紐約市區,最後一次去那兒時我只有10歲,紐約在我看來一定有大變化;訪問完紐約後,我會返回去看大本鐘,最後回家。在這期間,我會用照片來填滿這個空間,所以你們大家也可以像我一樣享受這段旅程。在我出發之前,請允許我跟你們一起分享此剪輯,由浪漫戲劇片“他其實沒那麼喜歡你”的演員出品。好好欣賞!| 即使回应是"Embedded disabled by request",请你双击链接欣赏视频。



almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
Just saw this movie.. and there is stlll hope out there..haha!..have a great trip..... missing NYC!!
almost 16 years ago


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November 8, 2007