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Victor Chen
Actor , Screenwriter , Singer
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'28 dresses' | “第28套禮服”

Hello folks, i went through some sort of a major clash of schedule last weekend, almost took my breathe away. A long-time friend of mine sent me invitation to his wedding two months ago, however it clashes with my grandmother's 80th birthday, which i was given in such short notice, just less than a day. I had to go all over the place to find the perfect gift over night, apologise to the groom for arriving late or leaving early(even though he gave two months notice thanks to my forgetful father), drive in the busiest traffic, i m lucky not to be giving the toast! Fortunately everything turned out fine, my grandmother was well pleased, and the couple looked happy as ever. My best wishes to all of them.

| Hello各位,上周末我的日程嚴重沖突,趕得要命。一位老友兩個月前就發了結婚請貼給我,但剛好跟我奶奶80大壽撞車,得到奶奶的壽宴通知只有不到一天時間,我只好整夜四處搜尋最好的禮物,跟新婚夫婦道歉說可能會遲到或早退(兩個月前他甚至還發信給我健忘的父親表示感謝),在最繁亂的交通中行駛,還好沒叫我幹杯!所幸一切都很順利,奶奶很滿意,新婚夫婦也非常開心。為他們送上我最誠摯的祝福。

Friend's wedding... 5 out of 10 of the banquet happens here in Grand Hyatt, pretty boring if u ask me, but what can u do, there arent many places that can fit more than 30 tables

| 朋友的婚禮…喜宴十之八九 都在君悅,如果要問我,我會說非常無聊。但沒辦法,香港沒有多少酒店能容納超過30張桌子。

Dinner served, of course there are videos of the couple as kids(nothing passionate, just site-seeing still photos), old timer music (sinatra collection performed by middle aged philipino lady) and mundane toasts (endless thank you notes) to go with it. Banquets in Hong Kong hardly work. When we were having desserts, the groom had a drop by to rest, when asked if he d prefer another day of office or this, without doubt, he picked the latter lol. 

| 開始上菜,席間照慣例播放著夫婦倆還是孩童時的短片(沒什麽可激動的,只是看靜止的相片),懷舊音樂(中年菲律賓女人演唱Sinatra的歌)以及世俗的舉杯(配以無休止的感謝致辭)。香港喜宴就是這樣。當我們吃甜點時,新郎過來坐了一會,要他選擇是在辦公室工作一天,還是象今天這樣,他毫不猶豫選了後者lol。

Happy birthday Grandma!' 

| “生日快樂,奶奶!”

over 16 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
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you're lucky, you didn't have to stay at either event the whole time!
over 16 years ago


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