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Venus Yiu
Actor , MC / Show Host , Singer
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點整都無用 =]


沒有帶足夠的衣服, 幸好還有ben買的可愛暖水袋公仔

天氣真的變得太快了~~ 好想回家呀!!!!

這幾天跟好朋友談了一個被討論了一千萬次的問題, 就是有關整容的!

有位朋友從幾個月前從facebook開始, 便對我樂此不疲的

除了讚我同時是豬和狗兩種可愛的動物外, 還有說我應去整容

朋友以為我會很生氣, 但是我反而覺得很搞笑

我的這個尊容, 無論怎整也還是豬頭炳吧

我沒有家人養, 又沒有舒服錢可賺, 唔知點解打親工都要飛來飛去, 咁耐最貴的收入都是唱下歌仔, 仲要成日俾人甩數的, 如果有錢的話.... 我諗都係用來養自己做音樂, 同俾左屋企人先 =[

其實, 反正我永遠都不會是classify在美的區吧, 還是把美的都留給真正的美人吧*

而且, 呢個世界每個人好和壞的地方都應該是相對的, 要不然我就一定已經被淘汰了, 又矮la又肥la又唔靚wor, 淨係得個大頭, 和很好的朋友們 =p

今天特別感觸, 因為看見了一些真的很美很美很美很美的人兒

mayb Ben's philosophy is right. and you guys are right too.

sometimes you shouldn't fight back when someone tries to bully you, because if you fight back someone who started the fight will complain that you fight =p

and most importantly, with love there should be no hatred in the world, though we always got bullied and no pay, yea =]

so how many times it is? 3rd? 4th?

as a matter of fact i dun mind the money, it's the respect dear.

should i really hire a manager or... debt collector? haha

over 15 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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