To me the word “conviviality” means to let go. Let go of your phone, the social media, your ego, your fear and any other things from stopping you to enjoy the present. Enjoy and connect with people with real conversations, because it’s priceless. I had a great night at the Night of Convivialité event with a few glasses of delicious cocktails and some interesting conversations with different people ?? 對我來說 “Conviviality” 不單只是去做些享樂的事情,而是去「放下」。放下手機,放下社交媒體,放下一切阻止我們享受現在的障礙。真正去感受與人交談之間得到的樂趣,這才是無價的”Conviviality”
See what others around the world define conviviality as:
烈日當空.口碑載道.熾熱回歸!! 19/3起朗豪坊UA午夜場! 26/3起MegaBoxUA每天五場!