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The Underground HK Compilation CD#4 快將出版!

香港市民注意!今年初 The Underground HK音樂勢力將會入侵本港,將隨時從地下蔓延到地上, 引爆市民的聽覺感官!警告:過去三年 The Underground HK皆推出年度的 The Underground Compilation CD, 集本地獨立音樂圈中最出色的音樂單位, 每張大碟均收錄了十一至十二支本地樂隊各兩首的原創歌曲, 首首都是精挑細選的佳作。 The Underground Compilation CD系列正好反映出當代本地樂隊的面貌, 使廣大市民有機會欣賞到本地樂隊豐富的創意, 見証住這一代獨立樂潮的最好音樂。The Underground Compilation CD#4 將會於今年4 月面世,由Mark 1 Music Centre 錄製,這張大碟表現出本地樂隊的多樣風格, 有電子樂、崩樂、藍調、爵士樂、Funky 搖滾等。繼無數多場的Live show 及過去三張集結大碟後,The Underground Compilation CD#4 絕對是The Underground HK 對香港獨立音樂文化的又一貢獻。醒來吧!從單調的流行曲解脫出來, 擁抱活躍創新的本土獨立原創音樂吧。快將出版的 The Underground Compilation CD#4內有大量好音樂正等待著你去發現。詳情請密切留意 The Underground HK的網站: www.undergroundhk.comResidents of Hong Kong are warned to watch their step as they stride the streets in early months of the next year – there may be some musical jags jutting unexpectedly out from the ground. And they may very well blow your mind right beyond the Milky Way.Why the warning? Well, the past three years have been marked by a yearly release of an Underground Compilation CD. And each CD has been populated by some of the best music that Hong Kong’s nascent indie music scene has to offer. Each CD features 11/12 bands, carefully handpicked from the landscape, performing two of their best, original songs. The result is an effective snapshot, frozen for posterity, of various bands as they fit into the music scene at the time, and provides an idea of the staggering breadth of music being created locally as well.Underground Compilation CD#4 is due to be released in April 2011, and the bands are currently in the process of recording their songs at Mark 1 Music Centre. The CD promises to be a thrilling one, with genres ranging from electronic, to various formulations of punk, to bluesy and jazzy and funky rock. After holding the bastion of live shows through the various Underground showcases, and 3 compilations, CD#4 is yet another step forward for The Underground’s contribution to the progress in indie music. The release will also be marked by the traditional blow-out release parties, so it’ll be terrific fun to add to the exciting music.So, get ready to cut through the background noise of fascist popular music and go native with Compilation CD#4 – the music scene will be waiting for you when the time of release dawns. And if you’re curious about it, keep your eyes on The Underground’s website: www.undergroundhk.com.

CD4 bands showcases:*9 Maps *Brothers of Roadkill *Corey Tam *Dark Himaya *FAD *Helter Skelter *Purple Eye *Senseless *Shotgun Politics *Six Pack of Wolves *Sushi Robot

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Since 2004, we have organised 300+ live music shows, reviewed 400+ bands, mentored bands, released compilation CDs & contributed to the Hong Kong live music


Hong Kong
July 18, 2008