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Tony Magnetic
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new test website www.theyearof.net

test site... www.theyearof.net

Ladies and Gentlemen,

the time has come, the time has gone... the year of... the journey continues... the years before and the years ahead... the seasons change and the seasons stay the same... in time we will reach the destination... that place where it all began and that place where it will end... when we lose our way, we find a new way... a new path that leads to the next step... today we bring to you a new vision... the evolution of a series of works... all of you have been a part of this experience... some of you since day one... some of you have just began to share the vision... we don't know why, we only follow what we know... because of what we don't know... we chase the dream not the competition... there is a beacon flashing with a message... today we will share a part of the world that has been created beyond our own... www.theyearof.net is almost ready... I for one can say it will be new and somehow it will be old... for without the past we can have no now and no tomorrow...

take a glimpse of what has come to pass... pass it on... like a virus it will infect each one of us... it will some how teach all of us... who knows where the world wide web actually is... like some matrix from a movie we simply log on to our computers, and explore... we awake in a virtual world of energy that exists all around us... where ever there is a cell phone, a t.v., a connection... we use it like we have used phones,like radios,  like a t.v. only we can interact with it on many levels... we can talk, we can look at who we are talking to..we can type messages, we can receive them... we can look up any dictionary and ask any question... and there are answers... we use it to find information to shop to connect the dots... The Year Of... uses it to create awareness... to share the journey that is ours... We make books, which are permanent. Yet in time they will disappear as well. With every new season we build a new campaign and we add on to our unique family of enthusiast.


created by all of you... all of us... the year of is ready to take you on visual and aural experience... get ready to enter the rat race... 3.2.1....

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares
Photo 39462
congrats! xo
almost 17 years ago
Photo 23329
congrats bro ! ! wish you more websites and shopsw to come ... with more business blooming your way !!
almost 17 years ago
Photo 59287
WOW!! i luv the site!! the rat is just like ratatouille! soo cute! And very nice layout* Congrats congrats!!
over 16 years ago
Photo 214991
Cool site!!!
over 16 years ago


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