一个了不起的人,并非可以掌控别人,而是可以掌控自己。明白自己想要什么,知道什么能做 什么不能做,可以控制自己的情绪, 可以选择自己走的路,可以去思考,可以在失落后又鼓足勇气。我们每天都在一点一点地丢掉自我。如果你迷茫,你需要的不是找回路,而是找回自我。
A great man is not one who can control others but one who can control himself. Know what he wants, know what can be done and what can't, able to control his own emotions, able to choose his own path, able to think, able to stand back up again after failing. Everyday, we are slowly losing ourselves to the society. If you are lost, it's not a return path but your true self that you need to look for.
Hair by @ng_fannie from @shunjimatsuo