Subject: Wushu
Hate Wushu! All I do is Wushu! Nothing else! Next Saturday are the national´s. I start in Nanquan, nangun and Sheng Biao (Rope Dart). I want to go to the WM because i need that for the Register. If I start on international Championship´s I don´t have to make a brown belt in a another style! My last preparing is on Tuesday. Hope it works on Saturday. Cross your finger´s for me.
After that I restart with the other Category´s. The only other thing i train right now is swimming. No I can dive 25 metre´s but it´s still really hard for me. And i need more for the register. Not much happened till the last week. Only training for Wushu.
After the competition my diary´s are more interesting I think. Here are some pics of that week: I train with Christoph for the competition. We can motivate us so much. Very nice Trainingspartner! His Jianshu is awesome!!!
with Tobi. We train together Wushu on the old day´s. I know him for years!!!