Not much time. Short diary!
Not much to do only preparing for Wushu competition.
I was booked for a stunt myth. They want to test if that is real:
It´s not of course. Here are some pics from the shooting:
Trying the stunt. From the other stunt there is no pic, sorry
Stunt Team for that day. front is Siggi, middle Falco (AnD member!!!) and me...
Create my new Logo:
Talk to England because of the Climbing certificate. Need to be a member of the British Mountaineering Club. Then they will give me a Logbook were I can sign my climbs... in England! Need 15 for the first and 40 For the second certificate! I can do more climbs on one day that means I don´t have to fly so much to England. But I have to! Want to meet people there to make contacts. England I´m comming. Hope you like me...hehe :-) But first, Club member!
6.00 a.m Training because was booked for another job for the weekend. I want to do Wushu and if I work all day I think I´m to tired. But it´s fucking early. I trained with Max! We did Photos but I did a video bro. That´s why I only can post a pic from me. Sorry bro. Visit his Site here on AnD! Max Huang!!!
Me and Chris, look how dirty we are.
Monday they try a Stoppi with that car.
My back after a sunny day. The cut on the site is from Chris, ouch...
Just work, give me one day were I can sleep long :-(
After the work I go out with very good friends. Need to eat!
That was my weekend. Only two Hours rest! To short. Tomorrow day starts at 5.20 and week 43 start´s. After work swimming! Summer bath are open now. Cold but 50 metre way to swim. More like the conditions for Register. That´s why I go swim after work and on the evening Wushu!
No bed!
PS: Sorry Stefan, I can´t write you because fucking short time this week. Ask Nina, didn´t call here either. See you on the weekend...