Disclaimer:I am about to share my music more frequently. These songs are owned by me, so we got that cleared on copyright. As for the publishing, I am published through ChynaHouse-Sony ATV and I as the founding partner of this publishing company hereby give permission for the works of terrytyelee to be played on this blog. However, these songs are demos and will give you a better insight to the work of songwriting and production in the music industry asia done- tye lee style...女孩 詞 toro / terrytyelee 曲 terrytyelee 女孩 心裡最疼的女孩女孩 為什麼要來將我害欠了債 你的愛是難題我的愛太傷心 你還怪唱這一首國語聽不聽的進去 你別猜 你是我的最愛~愛 就在這首歌裡 詞曲全部送給你我的愛 永遠不傷你心 王力宏都會開心 女孩只有你最明白女孩我的心你愛不愛 你的愛好溫暖我的愛說出來 你別踩句句都有甜蜜字字都帶暗語 我好high 你是我的最愛~愛 就在這首歌裡 詞曲全部送給你我的愛 永遠不傷你心 曹格要濕了眼睛 還有一件事情一定要告訴你 靜靜聽上次那個簡訊不是你想的 Jasmine, 是我媽咪 你是我的最愛~愛 就在這首歌裡 詞曲全部送給你我的愛 永遠不傷你心 so will you marry me?
take a picture, snap....