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Terry Lee
Composer , Musician
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Me and these Keys....We Might As Well Be Fucking..

this year. i have a new perspective on life:it is only going to get better if I make it betteri've grown up a lot in the last year. If anyone told you that you stop growing and learning after a certain point, it is all a lie. You never stop. Life humbles me.For example: Did I met a girl this Dec? Yes. Is anything happening now after Jan 1? I can safely say NO. It happened like it did last year. It just stopped for no reason. I think I self-manifest this. But it's all good, it humbled me. To know that Heaven had heard me and decided to do it one more thing cause Heaven knew my heart would take it lightly. So this year, I start on a fresh note....I have no intentions for love this year. I know the type of girl I want and till it comes, it's me and these keyboards. Me and keyboards- we got a marriage going on. I love these bitches. Every time I touch them, I feel complete. yes, muthafucka, i feel elated. Me and my keyboards, we might as well be fucking....that's just honest.Excuse the vulgarities.

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
In my experience, the fastest way to have that special someone show up in your life is to stop looking, stop waiting for it to happen and to just be perfectly happy on your own all by yourself. Something about being whole and complete in yourself is a fail safe method of suddenly occurring to others as interesting and oh-so desirable. I hope it works this way for you.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 67226
and i can say from experience.. keyboards aren't bad in the sac...
almost 16 years ago
Photo 238380
fuck yea...
almost 16 years ago


take a picture, snap....

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November 20, 2007