Terry Lee
作曲家, 音乐家
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heart speak

So me and Van prayed tonight. It's not often that I will sit there and pray with friends.

My disappointment in the church and NOT the Christian faith has had me less willing to participate in prayer with people but tonight, me and Van sat down and we prayed.

We prayed for humility and strength to survive the daily motion of this industry but we prayed for humility in appreciating the quality of your life.

Listen, when I say quality, I DO NOT  MEAN how much u make, what u wear, how much u dropped on a watch....I appreciate the nice things in life but I DO NOT EVEN THINK OF THEM. I believe in a simple law- whatever I have or am about to receive is an act of heaven. It is determined by the will and plan of a greater force that I am not worthy of questioning.

But in the quality of my life, I find appreciation for the wonders in which God, the Universe and me function in such serene and peaceful synergy.

The quality of my life depends on-

Do I do what I do for myself or because I believe what I do can change the world, one note at a time? for sure

Do I sleep feeling accomplished for the day? lately yes, add comfortable bed at doveshack.

Do I wake up looking forward to this lovely day ahead of me? always.

Do I strive to be the best I can because I want to be number one, or do i become number on cause I believe in doing my best? the latter.

Do I smile when I see her face? Yes. She makes me smile. She's a mother like no other.

Do I touch a heart, listen to a person speak from the heart and understand, give an honest suggestion, lend a hand or inspire each day? Most certainly. More than once a day.

What is your Quality of Life?

Why not we all start a little discussion page and I would like to conduct a little seminar with everyone about our life's purpose, the quality of our life and how it affects those around us?

Can any set up a discussion forum? I don't know how to do it.

Once it is, let's discuss daily how your quality of life is and how we can enrich it together.


16 年多 前 0 赞s  15 评论s  0 shares
Hi Terry, this is a very positive and encouraging blog entry. It helped kick a start to a brand new day for me. Thanks!:)
16 年多 ago
Photo 96013
hai.thanks for your suggestion. new day has started.I will seize the day^^
16 年多 ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Let me know how to participate and I'll be there. Expressing gratitude for what we have is the first step in really understanding what it is that we have, and then sharing it freely with others. We all need to be reminded. This is so important. I don't give a rat's ass about status stuff, but far too many seem to. Its good to have a place where we can just be real and remind ourselves about what truly matters.
16 年多 ago


take a picture, snap....


english, cantonese, mandarin
Taipei, Taiwan
November 20, 2007