Two months ago, I was hanging out with my friend Jason Tobin at my office on a Saturday afternoon. Jason is a very good actor who is now shooting some short films and writing screenplays. I talked to him a bit about the bands we will be promoting on alivenotdead, while listening to some of their music. He then started coming up with all sorts of ideas and concepts he would try if he was shooting their MV’s. So I started thinking how we could get this done. I talked it over with Daniel, Andrew, and Conroy. It turns out that after we paid all the bills for “The Heavenly Kings,” we still have a little bit of money left-over. Not very much money, but enough to shoot some MV’s for the bands if we did it smart!
So to make a long story short, we shot 6 MV's since that Saturday afternoon. It was a wonderful, joyous, and at times difficult journey that I will tell you all more about in the coming days. I was pretty much the coordinator / producer for these MV's and I am very proud of the directors, Kit, Jason, and Kim, who really had to work very hard and work together in order for us to complete this project.
There are 2 MV's current on the site. Audiotraffic's "Happy?" and Hardpack's "Gals Suk." Hope you all enjoy watching these MV's and please let me and the bands know what you think of the MV's!
Terence兩個月前一個周六的下午,朋友Jason Tobin在我辦公室閒聊。Jason是很好的演員,現在拍攝一些短片,寫電影劇本。我跟他聊了就要在alivenotdead網站推出的幾支樂隊,放了一些他們的音樂給他聽。聽着聽着他的靈感就來了,如果幫他們拍MV會有很多新鮮想法。於是我開始想怎樣讓這件事做成功。我和Daniel, Andrew和Conroy商量了一下,我們拍完《四大天王》還剩下些錢。雖然不多,但足夠我們好好利用來拍攝這些樂隊的MV!
現在網上已經有兩個MV了。Audiotraffic的 "Happy?"和Hardpack的 "Gals Suk”。希望你喜歡看這些MV,讓我和樂隊知道你們的想法!
|两个月前一个周六的下午,朋友Jason Tobin在我办公室闲聊。Jason是很好的演员,现在拍摄一些短片,写电影剧本。我跟他聊了就要在alivenotdead网站推出的几支乐队,放了一些他们的音乐给他听。听着听着他的灵感就来了,如果帮他们拍MV会有很多新鲜想法。于是我开始想怎样让这件事做成功。我和Daniel, Andrew和Conroy商量了一下,我们拍完《四大天王》还剩下些钱。虽然不多,但足够我们好好利用来拍摄这些乐队的MV!
事不宜迟,那个周六的下午我们就开始拍6支MV了。接下来几天真是美好、快乐有时又有点艰难的历程。我实际上是这些MV的协调人和制作人,真为我们的导演Kit, Jason和Kim感到骄傲,他们工作非常努力,一起合作使我们完成了这个事项。
现在网上已经有2支MV了。Audiotraffic的 "Happy?"和Hardpack的 "Gals Suk”。希望你喜欢看这些MV,让我和乐队知道你们的想法!