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Terence Yin
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Our Big Announcement Today! The Real Reason Behind Alive.

Today has been a very special day for me and the Alive Boys. We had an event today at Langham Place to promote "The Heavenly Kings." It was fun! There were hundreds of people in the audience, we played games, ate some Easter chocolate, we sang, and we talked about our movie.

The BIG announcement we made today at the event is that we formed Alive so that we could make "The Heavenly Kings." We have been planning the movie from day 1 and Alive was born so that we could make this movie. We have held this secret for 2 years because we wanted to make a film that blurred the lines between reality and drama. Andrew came up with the idea to make a movie about a boyband trying to establish itself in the entertainment industry. After some discussion, Daniel came up with the idea to really become a boyband so we can shoot the movie in real settings and give the characters in the movie more credibility because they are actually becoming a band for real.

This experience has been rewarding in so many ways for all of us involved in making "The Heavenly Kings." Not only did we make a movie from the heart with a very small budget, we were also able to make the film in a way that has never been done before as far as we know. Also, as Alive, we were able to perform in concerts, record music, and we now have a great on-line community that we will continue to make better and better. We have accomplished everything we have set out to do with Alive and "The Heavenly Kings." We have very happy with the response the film has been getting from people who have seen it. We are proud of the debate and controversy the film has stirred so far.

There was a report in a local newspaper today that claims Alive will disband after the release of "The Heavenly Kings." On behalf of all the Alive Boys, I want to make one thing clear.


We have discovered that between myself, Daniel, Andrew, Conroy, and the rest of the Alive family, we have fun and we work really well together. The Alive spirit will carry on and you can be sure we will find something very interesting to work on as Alive. We don't know now exactly what the next Alive project will be. But we will definitely come up with something very interesting and unexpected.

There are some reporters in the print media that will try to twist our message. They will try to say that due to the media backlash that Alive has endured since their movie premiere, Alive will disband after the release of "The Heavenly Kings" so that they can make peace with the media. First of all, we believe we have done nothing wrong to those reporters who are "supposely" boycotting Alive and "The Heavenly Kings." Those very reporters were at our event today trying to get us to say something they can use to make their story. As we have stated on this website and in countless interviews, "The Heavenly Kings" is a movie that makes a statement about the entertainment industry, music business, and media without judgement. We are presenting the reality as we have experienced and researched. Our hope is to provoke thought and debate and leave it up to this audience to make judgement about the issues we presented in the film.

I would also like to make clear that Alive will not bow down to media pressure and thus compromise the statement we are making with "The Heavenly Kings." We believe the media boycott is very childish and if anything has only generated more interest in our film from the public. We hope that in time, those in the print media "boycotting" us will understand our statement and realise that there is absolutely nothing wrong with illustrating the truth.

The Alive Boys and I are very proud of "The Heavenly Kings." Alive will continue to be alive not NOT dead! Just wait until you see what we come up with next!


今天是我們Alive的一個特別日子。今天我們在朗豪坊有一個表演,是為 我們的”The Heavenly Kings”作宣傳, 真開心呀!  有數百名觀眾,我們玩了遊戲,吃一些復活蛋,我們唱歌,并且我們談了一下我們的電影。

在今天的演出中,我們公告大家,成立Alive的目的就是要催生”The Heavenly Kings”。我們一開始計劃這部電影時,Alive便生了,是Alive令們能拍成這部電影。這個秘密我們守了2年,因為我們想拍一部介乎現實和戲劇之間的電影。開始時Andrew想拍一部關於boyband在娛樂界中立足的電影。在一起探討以後,Daniel建議我們真的成立一隊樂隊,這樣我們就可以真實的記錄樂隊的成立及提高角色的可信性,因為我們真的組成了Alive。

這是一個難能可貴的經驗,我們都得益不少。我們不僅用心拍了一部低成本電影,據我們所知,這也是一個史無前例的拍攝方法。還有Alive有機會在音樂會演出,灌唱片,而且我們現在擁有一個龐大的網上社群,一個我們會繼續努力令它壯大的社群。 我們完成了我們Alive既定的目標,完成了”The Heavenly Kings”。  我們樂意看到觀眾對影片的評價。  我們為影片所引起了的討論和爭議感到驕傲。

今天報纸上說Alive會解散,因為電影已完成了。在此我代表所有Alive Boys 澄清一下 :

Alive 不會因電影上影了,就此解散。

我自己,Daniel、Andrew、Conroy和Alive家庭的其他成員,大家都發現能從Alive中得到樂趣,還有我們一起真的幹得不錯。所以 Alive的精神將延續下去,而且肯定地Alive將繼續開展一些有趣的工作。  我們還不知道Alive下一個項目是甚麼,  但一定地是非常有趣和意想不到的事。

有些記者在設法扭曲我們的原意。  他們想說,由於Alive忍受不了傳媒在電影首影後的衝激,Alive會解散,以便和傳媒和解。

首先,我們沒有做錯甚麼,好會讓那些記者來抵Alive和”The Heavenly Kings”。那些記者今天來採訪我們,想我們說一些他們能用來编故事的材料。由於我們在這個網站和其他不計其數的採訪中都說過, ”The Heavenly Kings”並不是一部批判娛樂界、音樂界和傳媒的電影。我們只是如實的將我們的經歷和考證拍攝出來。我們希望挑起反思和辯論,好讓觀眾自行判斷影片中所帶出的問題。

我也明確的告訴大家,Alive不會因傳媒的壓力而低頭,及妥協我們在”The Heavenly Kings”中所表達的見解。傳媒的抵制行動是非常幼稚的,只会為電影引來更多公眾興趣。  我們希望有一天,那些「抵制」我們的傳媒會瞭解我們的聲音并意識到反影現實是完全沒有錯的。

Alive Boys 和我為”The Heavenly Kings”感到非常驕傲。Alive是會繼續活下去的,不是死的!  請拭目以待我們下一個新計劃!


[自动翻译谷歌翻译 ]

今天是我们Alive的一个特别日子。 今天我们在朗豪坊有一个表演, 是为 我们的”The Heavenly Kings”作宣传,真开心呀! 有数百名观众, 我们玩了游戏,吃一些复活蛋,我们唱歌,并且我们谈了一下我们的电影。

在今天的演出中,我们公告大家, 成立Alive的目的就是要催生”The Heavenly Kings”。 我们一开始计划这部电影时,Alive便生了,是Alive令们能拍成这部电影。 这个秘密我们守了2年,因为我们想拍一部介乎现实和戏剧之间的电影。 开始时Andrew想拍一部关于boyband在娱乐界中立足的电影。 在一起探讨以后,Daniel建议我们真的成立一队乐队, 这样我们就可以真实的记录乐队的成立及提高角色的可信性, 因为我们真的组成了Alive。

这是一个难能可贵的经验,我们都得益不少。 我们不仅用心拍了一部低成本电影,据我们所知,这也是一个史无前例的拍摄方法。 还有Alive有机会在音乐会演出,灌唱片,而且我们现在拥有一个庞大的网上社群, 一个我们会继续努力令它壮大的社群。 我们完成了我们Alive既定的目标,完成了”The Heavenly Kings”。 我们乐意看到观众对影片的评价。 我们为影片所引起了的讨论和争议感到骄傲。

今天报纸上说Alive会解散,因为电影已完成了。 在此我代表所有AliveBoys澄清一下:

Alive 不会因电影上影了,就此解散。

我自己,Daniel、Andrew、Conroy和Alive家庭的其他成员, 大家都发现能从Alive中得到乐趣,还有我们一起真的干得不错。 所以Alive的精神将延续下去,而且肯定地Alive将继续开展一些有趣的工作。 我们还不知道Alive下一个项目是什么, 但一定地是非常有趣和意想不到的事。

有些记者在设法扭曲我们的原意。 他们想说,由于Alive忍受不了传媒在电影首影后的冲激,Alive会解散, 以便和传媒和解。

首先,我们没有做错什么, 好会让那些记者来抵Alive和”The Heavenly Kings”。 那些记者今天来采访我们,想我们说一些他们能用来编故事的材料。 由于我们在这个网站和其他不计其数的采访中都说过, ”The Heavenly Kings”并不是一部批判娱乐界、音乐界和传媒的电影。 我们只是如实的将我们的经历和考证拍摄出来。 我们希望挑起反思和辩论,好让观众自行判断影片中所带出的问题。

我也明确的告诉大家,Alive不会因传媒的压力而低头, 及妥协我们在”The Heavenly Kings”中所表达的见解。 传媒的抵制行动是非常幼稚的,只会为电影引来更多公众兴趣。 我们希望有一天, 那些「抵制」我们的传媒会了解我们的声音并意识到反影现实是完全没有错的。

Alive Boys 和我为”The Heavenly Kings”感到非常骄傲。 Alive是会继续活下去的,不是死的!请拭目以待我们下一个新计划!


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