演员, 歌手
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Day 2: Great Performances From Friends|第二天:精彩的表現|第二天:精彩的表现|2日間

2 Days, 16 hours, the film course is now complete. Things were more challenging today as Jeanne gave us more difficult scenes to work on today.  Each of us did 2 scenes today, 1 monologue and 1 with a partner.  The best thing about today is to watch my friends work on their scenes.  I have seen some of my friends work when we are working on the same film.  But it is a completely different experience to watch your friends work on scenes in a classroom setting.  The difference is that we talk about our choices after our 1st run-through, then we get some feedback from Jeanne, then we do the scene again.  We get to share with each other how we work as we try out different suggestions from Jeanne. 

I learned much from watching my friends perform today. I was really impressed with everyone's performances, particularly Race's scene with Andrew.  That scene was amazing!  Grace's scene with Daniel was also very fun to watch! 

I am really happy I took part in this course and would recommend this course to anyone who is interested to learn more about acting.  Jeanne is a wonderful teacher and it is obvious to me that she teaches acting in a way that empowers you to have more confidence in the choice you make for your performance. 

The OPEN course is going on this coming weekend and I encourage you all to sign up!  For what you learn, the course is really a great value and I am sure those of you who take the open course will get even more out of the experience than I did! 

To my friends who took the course with me, thanks for a wonderful 2 days!  We really need to get together and work like this again! 


今天看朋友們的表演,我學到很多。每個人的表現都令我印象深刻,尤其是Race和Andrew合作的一幕,那場戲真棒! Grace同Daniel的戲也十分有趣!


這個周末還會有此開放式課程,我鼓勵大家都來參加! 課程本身的價值很高,我肯定你們參加開放式課程能學到比我更多!

同我一起上課的朋友們,謝謝你們給我這精彩的兩天! 下次我們也要象這樣聚在一起合作! |同朋友们一起的2天、16个小时的电影课程现在结束了。今天的课程更加艰深,Jeanne让我们表演比较困难的场景。我们每个人需要表演2幕,包括1个独白和与同伴的1次配合。今天最棒的是欣赏朋友们表演。因为曾同演一部电影,我看过一些朋友们演戏,但这次看他们在教室中表演是完全不同的经验。不同之处是,第一次演完之后,我们先谈自己的思路,接受Jeanne给的指导,然后再演一次。我们试着以Jeanne给的不同建议表演,互相分享表演情况。

今天看朋友们的表演,我学到很多。每个人的表现都令我印象深刻,尤其是Race和Andrew合作的一幕,那场戏真棒! Grace同Daniel的戏也十分有趣!


这个周末还会有此开放式课程,我鼓励大家都来参加! 课程本身的价值很高,我肯定你们参加开放式课程能学到比我更多!

同我一起上课的朋友们,谢谢你们给我这精彩的两天! 下次我们也要象这样聚在一起合作!


今日はJeanneがもっと難しいシーンを僕たちに与えたので、 今日はもっとチャレンジなものになった。 それぞれが2つのシーンを今日はやり、一つは独り芝居で、 一つはパートナーと。今日一番良かったことは、 友人たちが彼らのシーンを演じるのを見たこと。 僕は友人の演技を同 じ映画に出演した時に見たことがある。でも、 教室のなかで友人の演技を見るのは全く違う経験だ。その違いは、 1度目の演技の後に自分たちの選択について話し合い、 それからJeanneからフィードバックを得る、 そしてもう一度そのシーンをやる。 僕たちはJeanneからのいろいろな提案を試してみてどう演技 するかを、お互いにシ ェアする。
僕は今日友人の演技から多くを学んだ。みんなの演技、 特にRaceとAndrewのシーンに感心した。 あのシーンは最高だった! GraceとDanielのシーンもまたとても楽しんで見た。

このコースに参加できて本当に幸せで、 もっと演技を学ぶことに興味のある誰にでもこのコースをお勧めす る。Jeanneは素晴らしい先生で、 彼女は君たちが演技をすることにもっと自信を与える能力を持って いるのは明らかだ。

OPENコースは今週末に行われ、 みんなが参加することを勧めるよ! コースは本当にとても価値があって、 このopenコースを受けた人はさらに多くの経験を得るだろう、 僕よりも!

このコースを僕と一緒に受けた友達へ、 素晴らしい2日間をありがとう!集まって、 一緒に働くこういう経験がまた必要だね!

大约 16 年 前 0 赞s  21 评论s  0 shares
37520 200909222230394 dot thumb
man...I really wish I could..I actually signed up for it..But had gigs to do both weekends...dang...and I can't really fight work...we were very blessed that it was very good paying gigs...but still...would have loved to be in it...I took an acting course a couple of years back and really loved it and absorbed it !! wish I was there.... peace...
大约 16 年 ago
Jasontobin 82 jasontobin
I agree with you. It's amazing to see friends grow as actors over just one weekend. Btw, I saw some of the best acting you've ever done over the last two days.
大约 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
a good teacher is invaluable...
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 22991
sounds ultra cool, it will be great tho if there were photos :)
大约 16 年 ago
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 55551
So inspiring! I was wanting to go to this so badly and have been talking with Jeanne.I work all day Saturdays and have had some crazy commitments...Thanks for sharing and I hope to attend an advance acting class with you one day.:)
大约 16 年 ago
Photo 272117
hey T i cant add you to my friends........ @@ add me!! =p acting course??? i should've joined!!
大约 16 年 ago
Jayson 93 2
I love the way Jeanne pushes you to think in a way that forces you to go past your own boundaries so that the scene is as realistic as possible. The course helped me a lot. Looking forward to working with her again.
大约 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
December 15, 2006