Georgia's Republican Governor quotes the #Bible to shut down a law that protects the right to discriminate against gays due to religious beliefs.
Danger is his business #Stuntman #StevenHo
Sportscaster #ErinAndrews awarded $55 million in court judgement versus the operator of a #Marriott hotel where a stalker was booked in the room next to hers and secretly videotaped her. Marriott's lawyers had claimed that she actually profited from this traumatizing incident. Appears they helped make that claim come true.
All's well that ends well at #DowntonAbbey. So ends an era. (SPOILER ALERT).
You can give without loving but cannot love without giving. OasisLA
Why #DonaldTrump is a national security threat.
This writer's interpretation of #DonaldTrump's slogan "Make America Great Again" really resonates. After working in GOP for many years, she thinks it's hypocritical for party leadership to express outrage over Trump. He is merely expressing where the party has been heading since Nixon. Make America great again means taking us back to a time where white men ruled with impunity.
Once again, the fiction of GOP policies leaves everyone to suffer the consequences.