Suzan G - my official artist profile
Official Artist
Suzan G
Actor , Music Producer , Singer
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About Suzan G

來自音樂世家的蘇姍,其母親是五、六十年代歌星,自小受音樂薰陶,培養了她對音樂的興趣和熱愛。 蘇姍年少時期已在不同地方表演,其後參加無線電視主辦的『全港酒廊歌手大賽』,並獲得冠軍。

蘇姍擅長演繹中外金曲,歌藝精湛,並展現個人風格。2008年,於香港大會堂舉行了<今宵請你留演唱會>。 翌年再於香港文化中心

Suzan Guterres is one of the most glamorous and gorgeous stars in Hong Kong's music industry. A Celebrity Pop Vocalist born and raised in Hong Kong come from a family of Music, her mother and her grandmother being top local artistes of their neighbourhood, so nourishing her with music since childhood. She is now known as "The Diva With A Hundred Faces".

After graduating from high school, she entered a singing competition "Hong Kong Professional Lounge Vocalists Championship" held by HKTVB, not an ordinary contest but a singing contest only for professional singers, in which she was the champion. Suzan then landed herself a recording contract with Wing Hang Records and signed as an actress for HKTVB, taking up a major role in long-lasting Drama Series. Suzan G. became a household name overnight! Her first Solo Album "Please Stay Tonight" was a smash hit!

Suzan's music talent was further shown in the "1988 HKABU Song Contest". She composed and entered her song "Please Stay Tonight" in that contest and came 2nd runner-up. She then recorded her second Solo Album "Sapphire Eyes". Another Great Success! At the same time, she engaged in film productions, TV variety shows and major concerts overseas. Signing up for Panasia Entertainment Ltd., a subsidiary company of Golden Harvest owned by Mr. Jackie Chan, Suzan did 3 movies and her career in this industry, hence, soared to a higher level.

Suzan has had an extraordinary passion in developing her music career. She loves to gain the valuable working experiences with different parties. She has worked with renowned artistes like, Chow Yun Fat, Ernie Sigley, Irene Ryder, Johnny Yip, Sally Yeh, George Lam, Cass Pang, Jacky Cheung, Teresa Carpio, Eliza Chan, Donald Cheung Wai Man, Maria Cordero, Howard Mcrary and many others more.

For local Hong Kong performances, Suzan was one of the featured singers in the "Sing Along Golden Hits" Concert held in Hong Kong Cultural Centre in 2004. Tickets were all sold out in a short period and the sound of the audiences' applause was the best proof for her success. Having such big success for this concert, Suzan was invited to sing for the "Sing Along Golden Hits Encore" Concert that was held in HONG KONG COLISEUM in the same year again. Her infinite charm and live power on stage were just stunning! The applause and cheers were so vigorous!

Throughout the years 2005 and 2006, Suzan jointly did numerous major concerts and charity shows together with the artistes of World Star Music. It included "Sentimental Sisters' Love – Golden Hits Concert", "Cantonese Opera and Golden Oldies Concert" and "Cantonese Opera and Golden Oldies Encore Concert". Apart from singing performance, Suzan showed her talent in composing a completely new version of lyrics for the Cantonese Opera Classics "Princess Chang Ping" and "Romance of the Phoenix Tower" as the dance-pop version. It was well-liked by the audience tremendously.

For the overseas performances, Suzan went to perform in many countries such as Australia, USA, Malaysia, Singapore, United Kingdom, France and China, to name but a few. She has performed for Burswood International Casino Resort in Perth, the Crown Casino in Melbourne, MGM in Las Vegas, Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, Arena of Stars at Genting Casino in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and the Sands Macao Casino in Macau.

Local well-known organisations and companies namely Hong Kong Jockey Club and Coca Cola once invited Suzan as their guest singer in their private functions as well.

Suzan can sing in many different languages and local dialects, such as English, Cantonese, Mandarin, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Malay, Tagalog, Hok Kien, Indonesian, Korean, Thai and Japanese. Because of her talent for languages, she was often invited to be the master of ceremony for the shows and functions.

She's funny, versatile and warm charisma has her perform on stage, produced behind the scene, done animation dubbing, she's been a TV host of one of the very popular music magazine show for HK Cable TV. She's worked as a radio DJ for HK FM Select as well.

She's a Recording Artiste, an Actor, a Host and a Comedian. She is SUZAN G!


百變歌后蘇姍,酒廊歌手大姐大。 曾經參加由無線電視主辦的『全港酒廊歌手大賽』,技驚四座,力壓二百名參賽者,脫穎而出,勇奪冠軍。 自此一舉成名,迅即在香港走紅。 『全港酒廊歌手大賽』在香港只舉辦了一屆,因此,蘇姍『全港酒廊歌手冠軍』的榮譽,正是前無古人,後無來者。

蘇姍是混血兒,集中西民族優點於一身。 個性活潑、開朗、風趣,不論在台上或台下都很有人緣,廣受觀眾歡迎。 蘇姍語言天分其高,擅長以英語、國語、粵語、法語、西班牙語、意大利語、葡萄牙語、日語、韓語、泰語、馬來語、印尼語等等演譯不同類型的歌曲。

蘇姍於一九八七年推出首張個人大碟『今宵請你留』,深受樂迷歡迎。 翌年推出另一張大碟『碧藍色的眼睛』,同樣創下佳績。 蘇姍對其歌唱事業一直充滿熱誠,曾與不少香港天皇天后級紅星歌星同台合作演出,如周潤發、林子祥、葉蒨文、杜麗莎、陳潔靈、鄭秀文等等。 二零零四年,蘇姍與一眾歌星,攜手於香港文化中心參與『金曲唱聚聲雅廊演唱會』,歌藝精湛,觀眾擊節讚賞。 其後,再接再勵,蘇姍與其他香港知名歌手,參與在香港紅磡體育館舉辦之『至尊金曲聲雅廊ENCORE演唱會』。 演唱會上展現其獨當一面的歌唱風格,並盡顯個人魅力,大獲觀眾好評。 同時,蘇姍力求進步,不斷拓寬觀眾層面,嘗試演唱各種不同類型的歌曲。 於二零零五年『粵調金曲星聲陣演唱會』及二零零六年『粵調金曲靚聲陣ENCORE演唱會』大唱經典粵曲小調。 演唱會內更大顯其創作天份,把粵曲經典『帝女花』及『鳳閣恩愁未了情』重新譜上英文歌詞,以全新方法演譯。 觀眾掌聲如雷,現場氣氛熾熱高漲。 二零零七年更獲香港樂壇殿堂歌手葉振棠之邀參與其唱片製作,合唱多首家傳戶曉之經典作品。

除香港演出外,蘇姍經常穿梭中國內地、東南亞、美國及加拿大等地方登台。 二零零五及零六年間,曾聯同胡美儀及呂珊於香港及美加等地,參與『金曲迴響姊妹情』一共九場之演出。 二零零七年多次到澳門威尼斯人度假村酒店獻唱表演,並於同年九月,獲邀遠赴加拿大Casino Niagara大唱中英文金曲。 所到之處,蘇姍之表現均得到各方面的讚賞及認同。


於二零零八年,蘇姍獲邀成為脊髓肌肉萎縮症慈善基金愛心大使,大力推廣慈善公益活動。 同年一月二十五日,蘇姍以愛心大使之名,聯同樂壇巨星Joe Junior、Irene Ryder及杜麗莎等好友為脊髓肌肉萎縮症慈善基金籌款,於香港大會堂舉辦了『A Night To Remember 今宵請你留演唱會』,大唱英文經典金曲。 是次演唱會反應熱烈,門票於推出後三天內全部售罄。 蘇姍於演唱會內更換了四次造型,勁歌熱舞,歡呼聲、掌聲不絕於耳。

Interesting facts about Suzan G

Languages Spoken english, cantonese, mandarin
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Suzan Guterres
Traditional Chinese Name 蘇姍
Simplified Chinese Name 苏姗
Member Since January 15, 2008
Fans 30
Profile Views 191,441


來自音樂世家的蘇姍,其母親是五、六十年代歌星,自小受音樂薰陶,培養了她對音樂的興趣和熱愛。 蘇姍年少時期已在不同地方表演,其後參加無線電視主辦的『全港酒廊歌手大賽』,並獲得冠軍。 蘇姍擅長演繹中外金曲,歌藝精湛,並展現個人風格。2008年,於香港大會堂舉行了&lt;今宵請你留演唱會&gt;。 翌年再於香港文化中心

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
January 15, 2008